Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

Israeli shelling badly damages human rights offices

At about 1:50am Tuesday, 30 December 2008, Israeli F-16 fighter jets shelled a Palestinian police site in Gaza, which is 70 meters away from the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme’s (GCMHP) main building in Sheikh Ejleen on Gaza Beach. The shelling was part of the vicious military attacks that the Israeli army launched on Gaza starting 27 December 2008. 

On int'l human rights day, Palestinians traumatized

Today marks the 60th anniversary of International Human Rights Day. It is the day the United Nations declared the issuance of the International Declarations of Human Rights to put new international foundations for enforcing and respecting the sacred life and dignity of all human beings. It is a noteworthy coincidence that the birth of this declaration shares the anniversary of the Palestinian uprooting in 1948, still experienced by Palestinians up until today. 

Children, PTSD, and the future of Palestine

On April 5th every year, Palestinians celebrate Palestinian Child Day. This year’s anniversary comes as Palestinian children suffer from various deprivations of their basic human rights. Israeli occupation remains the main reason for these violations and the basic source of agony for children and for Palestinian society as a whole. Political and social problems have negative ramifications on children’s mental health. According to scientific research by Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, children were found to suffer from high levels of trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which negatively impacts their attitudes towards peace. 

Lost childhood

Gaza Community Mental Health Program (GCMHP), Defence for Children International/Palestine Section (DCI/PS), and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel condemn the use of a Palestinian child to carry explosives, and the Israeli occupation for using him in their propaganda. The organisations call on Israelis and Palestinians to keep children away from military acts. At the age of ten, K was working at Hawara checkpoint, near Nablus, after school hours. Children his age should go home, do their homework and play, but in the Occupied Territories in general childhood is lost amidst the Israeli oppressing occupation and the Palestinian struggle.