Palestinians in Israel fear Jewish extremists
17 November 2015
Palestinian citizens are insecure about their future as a community within Israel. Read more about Palestinians in Israel fear Jewish extremists
17 November 2015
Palestinian citizens are insecure about their future as a community within Israel. Read more about Palestinians in Israel fear Jewish extremists
15 July 2014
“The Palestinian Arab community in Israel has mobilized in protest at the increase in violence towards Palestinians by both the state and individuals, within the West Bank, Gaza and Israel.” Read more about Palestinians in Israel demand war crimes probe for Gaza
20 June 2011
Anyone who follows developments related to Palestine will have heard countless times the lazy assertion that “everybody knows” what a final outcome will look like. It is common refrain from a Middle East peace process industry that seeks to define the limits of permissible discussion about political outcomes. Anything that does not fit with Israel’s priority to remain a “Jewish” state is automatically deemed “not pragmatic” or “utopian” at best, or “extremist” and betraying a desire to “destroy Israel” at worst. Read more about Can Palestine be partitioned? Taking the discussion back to basics