Israel rewarded for defiance of UN with membership of key regional grouping that could help it in its fight against Palestinian rights. Read more about Is Israel already reaping rewards from Iran deal at Palestinian expense?
Horror at sea: Syria refugees describe children and elderly drowning in desperate flight from Egypt persecution. Read more about Prison or death? Egypt coup regime forces grim choice on Palestine refugees
US Secretary of State John Kerry says “there’s no such thing as a one-state solution.” In a video talk, Ali Abunimah explains why such statements are wrong. Read more about Yes, John Kerry, there can be a single, democratic state in Palestine
Foxman’s open attack on a US secretary of state, especially one who has been so friendly to Israel, is unusual. Read more about As Ambassador Power praises ADL, Abe Foxman savages John Kerry
David Rotem, a recent guest in the European Parliament, can make vile statements about Palestinians without fear of censure. Read more about Why are Israel's worst racists welcome in European Parliament?
Gilad Rafaeli worked on light rail system in occupied Jerusalem at the time he secured science grant from Brussels authorities. Read more about EU refuses probe into why it rewarded contractor for apartheid tramway
Announced in July, the new EU guidelines should bar it from awarding grants to Israeli projects in territory occupied since 1967 and exclude Israeli businesses and institutions that operate in the West Bank from receiving EU loans. Read more about European lawmakers tell EU to stand up to lobby pressure, implement ban on settlement funding
New laws would mean that Israel is held to different standards than other nations in the Visa Waiver Program. Read more about Why does US government let Israel discriminate against Americans?
Senior BBC editors and presenters make some startling admissions when questioned on why they pander to Israel. Read more about Why does the BBC plead ignorance on Palestine?
Universities with ties to Israel’s military industry will continue benefiting from the EU’s largesse. Read more about "Earthquake" over, EU boasts of aiding Israeli boffins