How universities serve as outposts of Israeli colonial control
11 August 2020
Academic freedom arguments to protect speech on Palestine are insufficient. Read more about How universities serve as outposts of Israeli colonial control
11 August 2020
Academic freedom arguments to protect speech on Palestine are insufficient. Read more about How universities serve as outposts of Israeli colonial control
2 February 2015
Police documents reveal the losses in production activists inflicted on a UK drone engines factory owned by Israeli arms firm Elbit in August. Read more about Case dropped against protesters who cost Elbit drone parts factory $280,000
2 April 2014
Pro-Israel groups are using court venues around the world in an attempt to stilfe the Palestinian-led boycott campaign, but are having surprisingly mixed results. Read more about Israel's incompetent global campaign of "lawfare"
7 October 2013
For nearly a year, the BBC continued to defend the fact that it had withheld vital information about one of its commentators from its news audience. Finally, the BBC made a public admission that it had been wrong. Read more about BBC admits wrongdoing in presenting pro-Israeli commentator as neutral expert