Gaza's unsung heroes: The working class
5 July 2023
In pictures: Laborers confront a crisis of living space. Read more about Gaza's unsung heroes: The working class
5 July 2023
In pictures: Laborers confront a crisis of living space. Read more about Gaza's unsung heroes: The working class
29 September 2011
How can one expect any art to take root under Israeli occupation, let alone for a small delegation of artists, DJs and rappers to make any impact? Read more about Film review: Can hip hop be "bigger than the occupation"?
18 May 2011
On Monday 16 May, the Jewish National Fund (JNF) held a fundraiser at the Lincoln Center in New York City featuring the Broadway play “Scottsboro Boys.” Since the JNF plant trees and forests over ethnically-cleansed Palestinian villages to try and erase traces of their existence we (Existence is Resistance, Artists Against Apartheid, StoptheJNF.org and Max Blumenthal among others) decided to bring trees to give away. Each sapling was labeled with the name of a village that was cleansed in Palestine along with the date (some of which were before 15 May 1948) to “Plant for Palestine.” Read more about Video: Crashing The JNF Fundraiser to "Plant a Tree for Palestine"