The Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Supreme Court petitioned on Separation Barrier near Qalqilya

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel petitioned the Supreme Court: The route of the barrier in this area entraps more than a thousand residents in an isolated enclave, has a disastrous impact on the residents’ lives, and is liable to empty the area of Palestinian residents. ACRI urged the Supreme Court to dismantle the section of the barrier that was constructed in the Alfei Menashe enclave to the south and east of Qalqilya, and completely surrounds the residents of five villages cutting them off from the rest of the West Bank. 

Human Rights groups: "Prisoner Rights are Human Rights"

Nine human rights organizations placed an advertisement in the Israeli daily newspaper Ha’aretz, stating that the rights of thousands of incarcerated Palestinians are being violated and that the Israel Prison Service must respect the basic and universal principals of prisoners’ human rights. Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent diginity of the human person.The groups include ACRI, The Prisoner Association, The Arab Association for Human Rights, Adalah, B’Tselem, Mossawa, Ha’moked, and the Public Committee Against Torture. 

ACRI and Adalah petition High Court on hunger strike prisoners

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court yesterday on behalf of seven attorneys and additional human rights organizations against the Israel Prison Service. The petition demands that the court order the IPS to allow prisoners who are classified as security prisoners or detainees, and are currently on hunger strike, to meet with their attorneys. The first hearing of the petition, which was submitted by Adalah Attorney Orna Kohn and ACRI Attorney Sonia Boulos, is on Wednesday at 11.30 am. At the beginning of August the prisoners and detainees declared their intention to begin a hunger strike in protest of the poor and deteriorating prison conditions. 

Israeli Civil Rights Group Petitions to Cancel Restrictions on Vanunu

Mordechai Vanunu has asked Israel’s top court to lift a ban on him leaving the country, saying he poses no security threat after serving an 18-year prison term for treason. The petition was filed by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel to demand the cancellation of the severe restrictions that were imposed on Vanunu after his release from jail. ACRI is also asking the court to issue a ruling that the 1945 Defense Regulations (State of Emergency), and the 1948 State of Emergency Regulations, which enable the state to prohibit civilians from leaving the country, be cancelled. 

Israeli human rights groups submit humanitarian access demand to Supreme Court

Four Israeli human rights organizations submitted an urgent petition this morning to the Supreme Court against the IDF Commander of the Gaza Strip, which contained a series of humanitarian demands on behalf of the residents of Rafah. They demand that the IDF: allow the unconditional evacuation of the injured from Rafah, even if there is no advanced coordination; allow the unobstructed passage of ambulances and medical equipment between Rafah and the hospitals located outside the city; prevent injury or threat to medical teams and citizens evacuating the injured or corpses; renew the supply of electricity, water, food and medical supplies to the residents of the village of Tel a-Sultan, that has been subject to total closure for more than three days. 

Supreme Court: "If you cannot provide solutions – the barrier must be moved"

Supreme Court justices yesterday criticized the IDF procedures governing the opening of access points in the separation barrier to allow the supervised passage of Palestinian residents whose access to agricultural land, workplaces, educational institutions, health services, family and a long list of other vital services is prevented by the barrier. The criticism was voiced during the second hearing of the petition that was initially submitted last December by ACRI Attorney Fatmeh El-A’jou on behalf of five residents of four villages of the area between Tulkarm and Qalqilya. The residents were cut off from their source of livelihood and other vital services. 

Court pressure halts construction of separation barrier

While deliberating on the petition’s submitted by ACRI today, the court ordered the temporary halt of construction work on the separation barrier on land belonging to the villages of Deir Qaddis, Ni’lin, both in the area of Modi’in. The state announced that the residents of the village of Deir Qaddis will be given the opportunity to present their objections to the land expropriation by next Sunday, and that work will be halted anyway until the petition’s second hearing in a week’s time. 

2003: The State of Human Rights in Israel

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel published its annual report The State of Human Rights in Israel. ACRI witnessed an increase in the scope and severity of human rights violations and an unprecedented rise in injury to innocent Palestinian and Israeli civilians. More than 700 Palestinians and over 200 Israelis have lost their lives, and many more have been injured. Most of the abuses occur not as a result of operational necessity but from vindictiveness on the part of soldiers.