22 February 2004

“The terrible attack in Jerusalem today strengthens our opinion that the
policy of Occupation and dispossession of the Palestinians, as expressed
in the building of the Wall within the Palestinian Territories, does not
bring us peace,” say activist organizations holding protest activities
against the Separation Wall.

On May 3, 2003, Israelis and Palestinians protested against Israel’s Apartheid Wall in the Palestinian village Mas’ha (Photo: Gush Shalom, 2004)

On February 7, more than 3,000 Israelis and Palestinians protested against Israel’s Apartheid Wall in Abu Dis (Photo: Gush Shalom, 2004)
Tomorrow, 23 February at 8.00 p.m., activist organizations participating in the “Israeli Voice against the Wall” will hold a protest demonstration opposite the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem.
Protesters will demand the immediate cessation of the building of the Wall and removal of those sections already built which cause indescribable suffering to the Palestinian population. For the demonstration, a symbolic wall will be built in front of the Prime Minister’s residence, and during the demonstration protesters will call for its removal.
“This is what will eventually occur to the real Wall, it will fall as did the Berlin Wall”, say demonstration organizers.
“On this day, in which the most respected international legal forum will commence discussions concerning the legality of the Wall which tears apart the Occupied Territories, we chose not to travel to the Hague, but to demonstrate here in Jerusalem against the man who brought us this sorrow: Ariel Sharon. As Israelis concerned for the future and security of Israel, we want to send a strong and clear message to the Prime Minister: “You are not building this evil Wall in our name, we completely and utterly reject the contention that it is meant to protect us”.
The demonstration planned in Jerusalem is the height of a series of protest events which include other demonstrations and a mass petition of Israeli citizens against the Wall (full text attached). The following organizations participate in this Coalition against the Wall: Alternative Information Center, Gush Shalom, Israeli Committee against House Demolitions, MachsomWatch, Rabbis for Human Rights, Ta’ayush (Arab-Jewish Partnership), Women’s Coalition for a Just Peace and Yesh Gvul.
For additional details: Niv Gordon: 053-368603 / 02-5812275; Yana Zifferblat: 065-620972; Hulud Badawi: 067-469738; Na’ama Nagar: 052-245788; Adam Keller: 03-5565804 / 056-709603; Leena: 057 255218, 02 6241159.
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