
Photostory: A pervasive occupation

Occupation has a way of making its presence experienced beyond its immediate manifestations — war machines and walls and checkpoints — and wounding everything it comes in contact with. The Israeli occupation has left scars on nearly all aspects of Palestinian society — both literal, physical tears in the earth and edifice. Where a million olive trees used to be rooted or tens of thousands of homes that used to be places to live and now are little more than a painful memory. However, in the midst of occupation is the energy to resist, a veiled hope for peace and justice, even at impossible odds. Adam Beach’s photographs document life in occupied Palestine. 

Audio: Crossing the Line interviews Norman Finkelstein

This week on Crossing The Line: The international conference in Annapolis, Maryland recently came to an end. During the talks US President George W. Bush stated that the time is right for peace in the Middle East, but what does that mean in terms of a solution to the decades-long conflict? Host Christopher Brown speaks with Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein, a noted scholar on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the author of several books including his latest, Beyond Chutzpah: On The Misuse of Anti-Semitism and The Abuse of History, about Annapolis’ chances for success. 

Audio: Crossing the Line interviews Ramallah activist Sam Bahour

This week on Crossing The Line: Over recent years it has been increasingly difficult for foreign passport-holding Palestinians and internationals visiting Palestine to obtain visas and renew them from the governing Israeli occupation. Palestinian-American activist Sam Bahour joins us from Ramallah to discuss Israel’s control of people who wish to visit Palestine. 

Audio: Crossing the Line speaks with Jewish activst Rita Corriel

This week on Crossing The Line: Shiva is the traditional seven-day period of mourning which follows a Jewish funeral. In an article recently published on EI, peace activist and psychotherapist Rita Corriel recently asked the question, “When do we stop sitting shiva for the Holocaust?” Host Christopher Brown speaks with Corriel about the idea of Israel as the “shiva house” which many use to justify the injustice done to Palestinians. 

Photostory: The month in pictures

This slideshow is a selection of images from the month of October 2007. The month in pictures is an ongoing feature of the Electronic Intifada. If you have images documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, or of solidarity with Palestine, please email images and captions to 

Audio: Crossing the Line focuses on Palestinian political prisoners

This week on Crossing the Line: There are more than 10,000 Palestinian prisoners currently being held in Israeli jails. Amongst them are 750 administrative detainees who have never been charged or tried for any crime. Israel was the only country in the world where torture was still lawful before it was made illegal by the Israeli high court in 1999. But since the start of the second intifada in 2000, it has been reported that torture is regularly practiced in Israeli detention centers. Host Christopher Brown examines the issue of torture and political prisoners in Israel. 

Audio: Crossing the Line focuses on the right of return

This week on Crossing The Line: Presently there are around seven million Palestinian refugees around the world. Host Christopher Brown speaks first with activist Adam Shapiro, co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement. Next Brown speaks with Diana Buttu, legal adviser, and former spokesperson for the PLO about the most contentious issue with regards to peace between Palestinians and Israelis. 

Audio: Crossing the Line speaks with activist in Nahr al-Bared

This week on Crossing The Line: After months of conflict between the Lebanese army and Fatah al-Islam, some of the residents of Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon are finally returning home. But with most of the camp’s infrastructure destroyed, unexploded ordnance remaining and Lebanese residents in the surrounding area blaming on the Palestinian refugees for the violence, their return to Nahr al-Bared has not been easy. Host Christopher Brown speaks with independent journalist and activist Caoimhe Butterly about the refugees’ return to Nahr al-Bared and what lies ahead. 

Audio: Crossing the Line speaks with Mearsheimer and Walt

This week on Crossing The Line: In the second half of an interview on Worldview on Chicago Public Radio, host Jerome McDonnell speaks with professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt about their controversial paper that is seen as very critical of the pro-Zionist lobby AIPAC. Since its publication in the London Review of Books, neo-conservative and Zionist supporters of Israel have labeled both men as anti-Semitic. Today we’ll hear part two of this two-part interview. 

Photostory: Bil'in, the art of shaking off

In January 2005 the people of the West Bank village of Bil’in began holding weekly demonstrations demanding access to their farmlands that had been cut off by the Israeli separation barrier. During that time of popular and nonviolent struggle the response by the Israeli army intensified and grew increasingly violent. The separation barrier has stagnated the agriculturally-based economy in Bil’in and has become a symbol of Israeli oppression and colonization in the West Bank. Photographer Adam Beach documented the Bil’in demonstrations. 
