EI’s Ali Abunimah releases new book “One Country”

ONE COUNTRY: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse

As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rages on with relatively new leadership on both sides, we are led to ask what has become a perennial yet only more urgent question — will this conflict ever be resolved in a way that will finally bring peace to the region? This fall, Metropolitan Books will publish one of the most controversial approaches to a resolution. Noted expert on the topic and the son of Palestinians who fled the country in 1948, Ali Abunimah makes the radical argument that what is needed is one state shared by Palestinians and Israelis in his new book, ONE COUNTRY: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse (Metropolitan Books; November 2006).

Clear-eyed, sharply reasoned, and compassionate, ONE COUNTRY revives an old and neglected idea of sharing the country. Although living together might seem impossible, Abunimah shows how Israelis and Palestinians are by now so intertwined — geographically and economically — that no kind of separation can lead to the security Israelis need or the rights Palestinians must have. He reveals the bankruptcy of the two-state approach, takes on the objections and taboos that stand in the way of a binational solution, demonstrates that sharing the territory will bring benefits for all, and asserts that the country can remain a homeland for both Jews and Palestinians. The absence of any other workable option can only lead to ever-greater extremism; it is time, Abunimah suggests, for Palestinians and Israelis to imagine a different future and a different relationship.

More urgent than ever, ONE COUNTRY is a provocative approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and one that is certain to cause a stir on all sides.

Ali Abunimah

About the Author:

Ali Abunimah is a Palestinian-American who lives in Chicago. He is co-creator and editor of Electronic Intifada and Electronic Iraq. A graduate of Princeton University, he is a frequent speaker and commentator on the Middle East, and has written for the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. He also directs research for the design of children’s services in the United States and Europe.

Book Release/Speaking Events

Book Release/Speaking Events in Northern California
(These events benefit humanitarian aid for children in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq)

For more info: Penny Rosenwasser or Barbara Lubin, Middle
East Children’s Alliance, 510-548-0542, www.mecaforpeace.org

  • FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 - Davis, CA
    University of California at Davis
    4pm - Wellman 2 (hall on UC Davis campus). Sponsored by Students for Justice in Palestine & National Council of Arab Americans.

    Contact: Zaina Khachadourian, zainak@maktoob.com, OR
    Sawsan Morrar, sjmorrar@gmail.com, OR Lara Kiswani,

  • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 - San Jose & Santa Cruz, CA

    2pm - San Jose
    St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 405 South Tenth St. (10th & San Salvador),$5-$15, students free, no one turned away for lack of funds. Sponsored by: South Bay Mobilization & Friends of South Asia

    Contact: Aamir, Aamirq@yahoo.com

    7pm - Santa Cruz
    Resource Center for NonViolence, 515 Broadway. Sponsored by: Palestine-Israel Action Committee & Resource Center for Nonviolence

    Contact: Sami Abed, firehockey@cruzio.com or piac@calcentral.com

  • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 - Oakland CA

    7pm - First Congregational Church, 2501 Harrison Street, $15, no one turned away, wheelchair accessible and ASL interpreted. Sponsored by Middle East Children’s Alliance

    Contact: Penny Rosenwasser or Barbara Lubin, 510-548-0542, events@mecaforpeace.org or penny@mecaforpeace.org

  • MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 - Palo Alto, CA

    8pm - Stanford University
    “Ending Apartheid in the Holy Land: A Future of Hope & Reconciliation”
    Building 320, Room 105 (Braun Geology Corner, Stanford U. campus)
    Click here for map

    Contact: Omar Shakir, Oshakir@stanford.edu

    Cleveland, OH


    7:00-8:30pm, Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS-Ohio) 11555 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44111.

    New York, NY


    6:30-8:30pm - Columbia Law School
    Jerome Greene Hall (Room 106) Corner of West 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Readings and presentations by Abunimah and Joseph Massad, book signing to follow. Hosted by Henry Holt & Co. publishers, and Columbia student groups Safaa and the Arab Students’ Association (School of International and Public Affairs), and Qanun (Columbia Law). For information on this event contact Zachary Wales (zach.wales@gmail.com).

    Please revisit this page for information on future ONE COUNTRY book release/speaking events

    Related Links

  • Buy “One Country” on Amazon.com
  • BY TOPIC: Books & Literature