5 June 2012

The Canadian circus arts company Cirque du Soleil is touring the Middle East this summer; one of the cities they’re performing in is Tel Aviv. A local Jordanian campaign is working on convincing them to respect the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions and cancel the event in Tel Aviv.
Permalink eGuard replied on
Link, including the requesting letter.
Please join the boycott of Israel
Permalink Monique Buckner replied on
I truly hope the Cirque du Soleil will respect the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israel until Israel allows all Palestinian refugees to return, as their rightts under international law requires, ends the occupation of Palestinian land, ends apartheid in Israel and removes the illegal apartheid wall in the West Bank. The boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel is growing as more and more people of prinicple recognise that this is a moral cause. As a South African, I am intimately aware of how a boycott can change what seems like an impossible situation.
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Permalink Néidí replied on
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