Media Watch 13 July 2014

Musician Brian Eno and a former BBC Middle East correspondent are among the public figures who have condemned the BBC in recent days for lack of impartiality in reporting Israel’s assault on Gaza and the West Bank and for valuing Israeli lives above those of Palestinians.
Meanwhile, there have been large public protests outside several BBC facilities and more are planned in coming days.
In an 11 July letter in the Guardian, Eno, formerly of the band Roxy Music, writes that he had been an “active and vocal supporter of the BBC for the whole of my adult life.” The reason he said was because of its “famous impartiality.”
“But now that reputation [for impartiality] is being eroded,” the musician writes. “It’s a drift I started to notice a few years ago, and which I think has become very obvious.”
Eno explains:
The most recent incident concerns the killing of three Israeli teenagers in Hebron. This admittedly disgusting crime has received an entirely disproportionate treatment: listening to the BBC one would be left with the impression that killing children had never happened in [the West Bank] before. But it has. And it happens with monotonous regularity. Not, by and large, to Israeli children, but to Palestinians. And not only killing, but imprisonment and torture and day-to-day harassment and brutality. This goes on all the time – and I see little reaction to it from the international media. Unfortunately, that increasingly includes the BBC, which now, like many others, seems to regard Palestinian lives as less valuable, less newsworthy.
Eno quotes from a 2013 UN report, “The Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children,” showing that last year Palestinian children suffered abuse disproportionately and eight Palestinian children were killed in conflict-related violence. No Israeli children died.
“Can the BBC honestly say its recent coverage reflects this balance of events?” he asks.
False balance
The answer, of course, is no. And it is not just in its recent coverage that the BBC completely fails to reflect the imbalance between what it terms “the two sides,” Israel and the Palestinians.
Rather than making it clear to its audiences that this is a grossly mismatched struggle between Israel, a heavily armed occupying power, on the one hand, and the Palestinians, a stateless, refugee population with no military might at all, on the other, the BBC prefers to obfuscate with false balance.
It does its best to present the two sides as equal. In its coverage of the last five days of relentless Israeli bombardment of Gaza, in which homes and families, cafés, mosques and charities have been targeted and wiped out, the BBC has not informed its audiences that Israel as the occupying power in Gaza has held the 1.8 million people there under a strangling siege for the last seven years.
Instead, the occupation is presented as a “conflict” or even a “war.” In its coverage of the West Bank, the BBC has taken to using the term “sectarian tensions” to hide the reality that what is taking place is illegal occupation and colonization.
The result, of course, is to convey a completely false picture that there are two groups fighting each other who are both under equal threat.
Rocket fire versus casualties
At least, that was the case. In the last week, the BBC has gone one step further, and seems to be trying to portray Israel as the party under the greatest threat.
On 8 July, after Gaza had been pounded with missiles all day and night and twenty-three Palestinians, including seven children, had been killed, the BBC updated the headline on its website’s Middle East page at 11.35pm (GMT) to read: “Israel under renewed Hamas attack.”
These are the first two paragraphs of the story linked to that astonishing headline:
Palestinian militants have fired more rockets at Israeli cities after the start of a major air and sea offensive by Israel in the Gaza Strip.
Hamas launched several missiles toward Jerusalem on Tuesday night but did not hit the city. Earlier, Israel also intercepted a rocket fired at Tel Aviv.
It is only in the third paragraph that the BBC finally reports that “more than 20 Palestinians” have been killed. These were the first casualties in the assault that Israel’s propaganda machine is calling “Operation Protective Edge” and yet they were not the main focus of the BBC’s report of that day.
That short sentence over, the article continues with descriptions of Palestinian rocket fire at Israel. There were no pictures of the dead, no mention that children were among those killed, no interviews with grieving families.
“Orwellian” headline
Just in terms of news judgment, the angle taken by the story and its headline, renders it a piece of appalling journalism. But there is more to it than that. Once again, this is an example of the BBC completely devaluing Palestinian lives — lives which, had they been Israeli, would no doubt have headlined all the BBC’s news programs that evening as well as its online reporting.
After Palestine Solidarity Campaign used Facebook to draw immediate attention to the headline and asked its supporters to complain online to the BBC, the headline was changed and the article later removed (but not before it had been shared on other websites).
The next day, Guardian columnist Owen Jones added his voice to the growing criticism of the BBC’s recent Gaza coverage.
He described the “Israel under renewed Hamas attack” headline as “Orwellian.” The wording, he wrote, was “as perverse as Mike Tyson punching a toddler, followed by a headline claiming that the child spat at him.”
Jones continued: “As Elizabeth Tsurkov, a Tel Aviv-based Israeli human rights activist, tweeted: ‘We are targeted by mostly shitty rockets. Gazans are being shelled with heavy bombs. We have shelters, sirens, Iron Dome. They have 0.’”
“The macabre truth is that Israeli life is deemed by the western media to be worth more than a Palestinian life,” Jones writes, echoing Eno.
And, like Eno, Jones observes that the BBC’s alleged reputation for impartiality is on shaky ground: “The BBC is a public broadcaster, duty-bound to provide balanced reports that accurately reflect the reality on the ground. It is failing to do so, and it is up to licence payers – to whom it is accountable – to demand that it does.”
Former BBC correspondent speaks out
But how can the BBC be expected to provide balanced reporting on the occupation and treat Palestinians lives with the same respect it gives to Israeli lives, when one of its own Middle East correspondents stated that the killings of the three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank were more uniquely awful than the killing of all Arabs in the Middle East?
Speaking on the flagship Today program on BBC Radio 4 on 1 July, correspondent Kevin Connolly said: “There was a special kind of chilling factor, a cold-blooded calculation to that crime [the murder of the Israeli youths] that slightly sets it aside from the other waves of violence that we report on across the Middle East.”
It is this kind of attitude that has led Tim Llewellyn, who was the BBC’s Middle East correspondent in the 1980s, to despair.
On 11 July, as Eno was writing to the Guardian, Llewellyn wrote to BBC Director General Tony Hall and passed the letter onto the Palestine Solidarity Campaign for publication.
In his letter, Llewellyn takes issue with the BBC’s constant headlines and reports which proclaim that “Israel’s blitz on Gaza is in response to rocket fire from Gaza.”
“This is not something the BBC can state as a fact. It is an interpretation. It is an Israeli position,” Llewellyn adds. “Your newsrooms must know by now that Israel continually carries out air and artillery strikes against Gaza, usually without provocation, a territory that is under permanent armed siege.”
“The fact that the BBC rarely reports Israel’s continuous incursions into Gaza and armed assaults on the Gazan population, and the resulting deaths and injuries and property damage, makes them no less real. We have become used to the fact that, in a BBC newsroom, an Israeli life is worth the lives of an infinite number of Palestinians,” Llewellyn writes.
Llewellyn concludes his letter, which he told the Palestine Solidarity Campaign was a cri de coeur, with these words: “I can only say with great sadness that as a former BBC Middle East correspondent I despair at the either innate or deliberately induced lack of impartiality that shows itself in every aspect of your treatment of this [occupation], which so fundamentally animates and divides people across the world.”
Mounting anger and protests
The thoughts of Eno, Jones and Llewellyn have been echoed in the minds of countless people watching, reading and listening to BBC news over the past week.
In the last two days, local Palestine Solidarity Campaign branches in Nottingham, Bristol, Manchester and Birmingham have organized demonstrations outside their local BBC studios, calling for fair and accurate reporting of the carnage in Gaza. The protests have attracted as many as 3,000 people, sickened by the lack of impartial journalism they have been subjected to so far.
On 15 July, Palestine Solidarity Campaign is taking all that anger to the heart of the BBC, with a planned major protest outside the corporation’s national headquarters in London’s Portland Place. The message is that it is time for the BBC to stop whitewashing Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians.
In an open letter to the BBC, which is currently collecting signatures online, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign writes: “When you portray the occupier as the victim, and the occupied as the aggressor, we would like to remind you that resistance to occupation is a right under international law. And we would like you to remember that Israel’s occupation, siege and collective punishment of Gaza is not.”
With public anger against the corporation’s Gaza coverage rapidly mounting, and with public figures beginning to speak out about its coverage of the occupation as a whole, it is beyond time that the BBC stopped in its tracks and listened.
BBC Protest in Belfast
Permalink Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Belfast Branch replied on
Last week we had to endure the Israeli army's version of events brought to us by the BBC's 'man in Jerusalem' Kevin Connolly. His hasbaric report was broadcast by BBC Radio Ulster's teatime news show 'Evening Extra'. We called a protest immediately and despite the very short notice and the time of year (the holiday period) attracted over 70 participants. Speakers included a trade union leader, a Belfast City Councillor and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mairead Maguire.
BBC Facilatator of Palestinian Genocide by The False Isreal
Permalink eyesspyall replied on
The following article by BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus,, is a clear example of the ingenious bias that the BBC believes it is getting away with. There surely must be some legal recourse that fair minded people can collectively launch to strip the BBC of its right to be financed by 'we the people' when it has been proven to be an extension of the den of lies and cover-ups issuing from the 1 percent and their poodle governments, throughout its inglorious history. The BBC like all our major western structures , has been infested with a familial strain of humanity that is as false as its image appears to be truth, Revelations 2 and 3 vss9 for those into truth Despite the fact that the falsetic state had positioned itself to use its full arsenal for land, air and sea attacks, this article begins with the Palestinian fireworks, sorry rockets and expends some 548 words to beef up their capabilities, and a mere 335 words to inform on only the Iron Dome, and even then wasted the Israeli section by numerous mentioning of the supposed Palestinian threat, The BBC is free to publish its vile rubbish but not when it pimps you and me through the License Fee. ITS TIME TO FORCE THE BBC TO LIVE UP TO ITS CHARTER. DON'T PAY WONT PAY FOR LIES CAMPAIGN.
bbc complaints
Permalink Anne O'Nimmus replied on
I've also complained about that!
I complained earlier, at the grossly unbalanced coverage I heard on radio after Mohammad Abu Khdeir's murder. That has received a pro-forma reply which makes it perfectly clear that facts are quite irrelevant to the bbc - it's all about "trends" and "opinion":
"We understand you feel the coverage of the unrest in the Middle East displayed a noticeable bias in favour of Israel.
Please be assured, we strive to present accurate and relevant information throughout our news output. News services aim to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of the audience.
Reports carefully examine emerging trends and consider the public’s reaction to Middle East developments. Presenters often compare policies across the political spectrum to inform a wide audience and uphold our editorial guidelines.
It is not always possible or practical to reflect all the different opinions on a subject within individual news programmes. Editors are charged to ensure that over a reasonable period they reflect the range of opinions and trends from the region. We will continue to review these standards to ensure our international news output is balanced and well considered.
Nevertheless, we value your feedback about the composition of the programme. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning. We included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes."
Shame on bbc for the false
Permalink mia ghoul replied on
Shame on bbc for the false news about Gaza
Take immediate action
Permalink Sumrah Ahmad replied on
It is necessary to take immediate action against the war in Palestine. World have to push Israel for ceasefire. There no solution other than to have two separate nations who are independent and free.
What is this "war" you speak
Permalink Ruqayya N. Aldridge replied on
What is this "war" you speak of? A war has two sides which fight against each other. What is happening in Palestine is occupation, land theft, brutality and murder on the part of the Zionists. Palestinians have no army, no weapons which can be matched to those being used aginst them. It's not war, its genocide!
Meanwhile, cultural figures
Permalink cmgomariz replied on
Meanwhile, cultural figures in the U.S. are silent. Will George Clooney or Matt Damon or Mia Farrow speak out against the Israeli war machine? Would they dare travel to Gaza for a photo op with Palestinian victims? Such craven hypocrisy.
The BBC can no longer be trusted, at all!
Permalink Susan Strickland replied on
Sadly the last few years the BBC has failed to inform people of the truth in all sorts of matters from huge and frequent public protests against the Tory government to the ongoing awful relentless murdering of Palestinian people by the Israeli state - it both hides, ignores and refuses to acknowledge what actually happens and when it describes these situations is does so in such inaccurate and biased ways that they can only be acknowledged as deliberate lies - one can no longer believe a word the BBC says, and worse than that, their actions serve to support the evil proceeds of both the Tory and Israeli governments, that lead to the continually misery, suffering and death of so many innocent people ....
free Palestine!
Permalink allia bukhari replied on
free Palestine!
Palestine crisis : palestinians are humans.
Permalink Qessar Raja replied on
I cannot believe what is happening in Gaza. Are israel human????
They cannot justify killing innocent people in Gaza. Israel are acting cowardly : the violence is just one way, and everyone in Palestine is in danger, from bombardment, no food, medicines. etc.
There is no truth being shown on the BBC......
Israel you should be ashamed of yourselves, killing children and women, bombing hospitals and anything.......
The public aren't stupid, this is about humanity and this can't be continued.....
How sad that the Zionist
Permalink Nargis replied on
How sad that the Zionist Israelis have become the modern day Nazis, in fact even worse than the Nazis. The difference between then and now is that the governments and organisations like USA, UK, and many more are sponsoring the violence by taking away funds from their own people in need and giving them to Israel. BBC, FOX, etc, like these governments are supporting Israel by biased reporting. Of only the workers within this organisations would walk out in the name of humanity and bring these organisations who have the Palestinian blood on their hands to their knees.
Israel has the right to defend itself against Palestinians
Permalink pilgrimz replied on
The People of Israel have acted justly and has the right to defend itself against the attacks by Palestinian and Muslim groups.
Defend itself?? So the
Permalink human being replied on
Defend itself?? So the palestinians who have no army, navy, airforce, f16, tanks etc etc. Whose homes have been bombed. Mothers raped fathers killed n kidnapped. Children slaughtered. Forced to live like animals with no means to economic survival. No basics such as clean drinking water, electric, sanitation. Have no right to defend themselves against the unhumane occupying forces?? That humiliate and degrade them in their own homeland?? Who fire grenades into israel and get a response of f16s dropping 600 tonnes of explosives (and counting,)and phosphorous bombs which are illegal might i add!! Onto schools and mosques and churches and hospitals. U know nothing except the biased one sided vile these zionist media houses spit out. Shame on u. 3 israelis have been killed since this current round of collective punishment began and over 200 palestinians of which more than 30% are innocent children!!! Shame on u and your narrow minded opinions.
Years of Israeli oppression shouldn't go unnoticed
Permalink zrod replied on
This bias is not unusual, especially in the pro-Zionist U.S. where our Middle East foreign policy is basically dratted by the Israeli government. This has everything to do with political power. We trade lives for votes, political leverage and popularity. It's a sad, corrupt world we live in, when we are willing to settle for injustice as a mandate for life.
I think we should stop paying
Permalink Anonymous replied on
I think we should stop paying bbc e.g. tv licence as they are funded by us
BBC complain
Permalink Sofia Roupakia replied on
Dear EI,
I've also complained to BBC but their complaints procedure is not very transparent which frustrates me deeply; it is evident that the outcome of my complaint is very minuscule judging by subsequent news coverage. I will be certainly joining the protest at their HQ today.
In regards to stop paying the license I'm in two minds as if we no longer pay we'll have even more less of a saying and once again a public asset will go into private hands.
I contacted them on 9th July with the following message:
"Unfortunately this is not the first time BBC news editors ignore its own standard of impartiality when reporting on Israeli aggression against Palestinians. How many more innocent people must die in Palestine for your editors to call this aggression with its real name, i.e. genocidal war against innocent Palestinians. If you believe your reporting is impartial then you need to present official Palestinian views when you start your coverage of such attacks and not the IDF side only. Please explain how you maintain your standard in coverage of this story."
BBC Bias
Permalink Marc Berry replied on
Commentary on BBC 2 Newsnight's blatant pro-Israel-bias last Wednesday (29th July): http://skullduggeryinc.wordpre...
The article is titled: 'Monsters Inc'.
BBC Bias
Permalink Joe replied on
Privatise the BBC now. No more public money.