Media Watch 9 July 2014
Update, Thursday, 10 July:
Diane Sawyer tweeted the following apology today:
Original post:
More than fifty Palestinians have been killed and another 450 wounded since Monday in Israel’s ongoing assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, dubbed “Operation Protective Edge” by the Israeli army.
As usual, mainstream media outlets are straining to paint Israel as the victim, defending its people against irrational Palestinian rocket fire.
There is no equating the killing and maiming of dozens of innocent Palestinians with scared Israelis seeking shelter from crude rockets that rarely cause damage. But that hasn’t stopped media outlets from trying, and in some cases, outright lying, to distort the violence.
In one stark example, ABC News’ Diane Sawyer misidentifies scenes of the aftermath of Israeli missile strikes in Gaza as destruction caused by Palestinian rocket fire.
As Sawyer segues into the segment, she says, “We take you overseas now to the rockets raining down on Israel today as Israel tried to shoot them out of the sky.” Next to her is video footage not of Israelis or even Israel, but of Israeli airstrikes on Gaza.
Sawyer then incorrectly describes an image of a Palestinian family gathering belongings in the smoking debris of a missile-hit home in Gaza as “an Israeli family trying to salvage what they can.”

Screenshot of ABC News image mislabeled as “an Israeli family trying to salvage what they can.”
Sawyer then describes an image of a Palestinian woman surrounded by destroyed homes as “one woman standing speechless among the ruins,” with the implication that she is Israeli.
Sawyer’s bald misreporting reflects either a deliberate lie by ABC News or willful ignorance so severe that Palestinian death and misery is invisible even when it’s staring ABC producers right in the face.
The segment in its entirety can be seen here.
Why don't all you idiots stop
Permalink Anonymous replied on
Why don't all you idiots stop watching the news and pick up the bible... The real news! God is protecting his people just like he said he would.
shame on you ABC and shame on you Diane
Permalink Saud replied on
No comments... Are u neutral
stop lies
Permalink muzna marzouq replied on
I can't believe that you guys reached to that level!!!! Stop lies, this is Gaza not Israel. I ask everybody to look for reputable news media because ABC news is lying.
Dont tell lies
Permalink aamar replied on
Its an height of saying lies thats israel is suffuring .. U should have a common sense about that the people in Gaza are suffuring more and what news u all are showing u should be shamefull .. f**k israel .
contact diane Sawyer
Permalink Jane Jewell replied on
We must all contact Diane Sawyer, and complain, so she knows how many of us are outraged. Just google " contact diane Saywer, ABC world news. "
Be fair at least show the
Permalink Maher Abohamda replied on
Be fair at least show the truth and do not conceive people what is showing are in Gaza and the Israeli who started and they are attacking Gaza from the sky, the see and land with all the USA weapon and money.
Palestinian defending them selves with what ever they can.
Diane sawyer and abc how dare you!
Permalink John replied on
That is images of gaza not Israel and have you no shame that innocent people of gaza being killed what if that was your mom or your father or brother sister . Pray for the people in gaza
Ignorant Idiots !
Permalink speechless replied on
Ignorant Idiots !
Send feedback to ABC
Permalink Samer Nammari replied on
People, please voice your dissatisfaction with this utter sham! Send your negative feedback to them and ask them to look into the issue immediately. At the very least, Diane Sawyer must issue a statement in which she must apologize to the public for disseminating false information. Spread the word!
I blame the script writer
Permalink Max1 replied on
I blame the script writer that feed Diane the lines to read... Dies she even "report" news anymore?
Expecting a correction from ABC... never.
Shame on you Diana
Permalink Maha replied on
We may thank you later for fabricating your report as the truth prevailes immediately on the media! No body will forgive your BIG mistake!
Permalink sereen replied on
At least be respectful to the Palestinian innocents who were killed by the Israeli cruelty, this is an image of a Palestinian family in Ghaza... how stupid you think people are?!!!
Permalink A replied on
Please sign this petition for Palestine!
in what world is that Israel?
Permalink Rosa replied on
in what world is that Israel? these are clearly palestenians suffering from the destructive rockets of the occupier - Israel. Look at the people in the pictures and you can tell the difference.
People are no longer ignorant and are no longer looking for one source of information to get their facts straight, but as ABC, a little bit of integrity in news reporting was expected out of you. Shame on you.
It doesn't surprise me that
Permalink TruthTeller replied on
It doesn't surprise me that she said this ... after all she started saying rockets are raining down in Israel and purposely ignoring the fact that dozens of Palestinians were killed as a result of the air strikes. Shame on you Diana !!!
About the link
Permalink Anonymous replied on
The link you gave at the end doesn't have Diane Sawyer appearing as she does in the youtube video you showed. It now says "ABC News has misidentified a photo and has therefore removed the introduction to this story." and doesn't even say what the mistake was. How unsurprisingly shameless.
At least
Permalink Tamir Ayman replied on
At least, she has to show the photos again and say "We take you overseas now to the rockets raining down on Gaza today as Israeli Air Forces shoot them from the sky. Here is a Palestinian family trying to salvage what they can. One woman standing speechless among the ruins.”
Gaza war
Permalink M a khan replied on
How much did they pay you to read out this utter BS????? I bet u will lie about that aswell!!!! Stop putting the wrong news out and speak the truth !!! Israel is a terrorist state !!! Worst than any other state in the world !!!
enough is enough!
Permalink mel replied on
We have to do something this has gone far enough!The media will lie and not show what's really going on.. many people are more interested in the world cup right now because they want you focus on that then the war going on with Israel.. I wish we can all unite and stand up to Israel..
Permalink Fadeelah Adams replied on
Diane Sawyer - just another Zionist. Either this woman is outrageously STUPID or propogating and encouraging the Israeli occupation of Palestine. This is not news, it is propoganda at its WORST - LIES and ABC is telling it. Whether it is Diane or the script writer, the world knows what is happening in Gaza, can she be so OBLIVIOUS. The people of the world know the TRUTH, you cant possibly think we are as DUMB as you lot at ABC. Pathetic!!
Permalink NS replied on
Its amazing that although 75
Permalink salwa replied on
Its amazing that although 75 palestinians have been killed in Gaza, Diane Sawyer seems to believe that there are no disturbing or sad images in Gaza.
The fact is Sawyer and ABC know only too well that they are lying but they sincerely believe that palestinian lives are irrelevant and that the only suffering that should ever matter is the Israeli's!!!
This is in Gaza but presented
Permalink Anonymous replied on
This is in Gaza but presented as in Israel.
Lying is good for ur heart, "not4all" way to selvation!!!!
Permalink She's getting paid to lie, it's a job. replied on
Don't know how media works, Ah but don't blame her, she might be just a puppet of the whole org, but there goes her reputation, man she worked soooooo hard to build. Reputation!!
Those people you just showed
Permalink Tagy replied on
Those people you just showed are PALESTINIAN stop lying to the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!
75 human being were killed by Israel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Permalink Sonja replied on
All I ever hear
Permalink Sondra replied on
Is how the media bias is against Israel. I never see examples of this. I don't understand why people believe and continue to share the memes on social media that Israel is the victim of media bias. I never even heard the Palestinian side of the story until I began to dig it out for myself. It's never really explained or told. I do not support violence AT ALL by any side, but I do extremely value honesty.
Wow ABC and Diane sawyer are not to be trusted
Permalink Dena replied on
Unbelievable!!!! Liars!!!! These are images of Palestinians being killed!!! Pathetic that Israelis are trying to get sympathy by showing Muslim women and children!!!!! Atleast pic a picture that doesn't have a woman covered up in it!! Dumb!!!! Diana sawyer this has ruined you and ABC you're some shit
Nothing new for ABC
Permalink Michael Rivero replied on
ABC has a long history of outright lies in their news coverage. ABC was sued for faking a story that claimed Food Lion was selling tainted meat, to pressure Food Lion into accepting a worker's union. John Stossel was caught lying when he claimed laboratory tests showed that food sold in organic and natural markets was no safer or nutritious than the food sold in major chain corporate supermarkets, and was caught lying about Erin Brockovich to discredit her exposing of toxic dumping by Pacific Gas and Electric.
And they wonder why they are losing audience and advertisers to the independent media!!!
Morrighain Gray Wow just
Permalink J replied on
Morrighain Gray Wow just shows how stupid most of the ppl "reporting" and I use the term loosely , either two thing happen he she did it because she it so unaware and stupid she honestly didn't know the difference or care enff to look it to it , just reading off the TelePrompTer or it w's celebrate to try and once agin tell the world how "poor, poor " Israel USA help in a n effort to justify the USA ongoing involvement and bs. Against those "evil palatines who don't want to give up the rest of the land that haven't been stolen from them. Either way a retraction is Needed at the lest and apologies would eat hurt either
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Please post ABC's Feedback link in article
Permalink SK replied on
Salam, this message is to the author of this exposing article, Rania Khalek. Please post the link to ABC's feeback page in the article ( so people can complain directly to ABC after reading the article and see change ASAP. Right now, its only listed in the comments section by a reader and will not impact as much change as the Palestinian people need.
it is disgusting piece of news.
Permalink any human life is sacred replied on
Israelis are conducting dirty war in palestine. They are behaving like the nazi in during the world war two. germany. on top of that they are using american dollars to ethnically cleansed in gaza and and the west bank. Shame america shame for your misuse taxe dollars. Diane sawyer is a stoog and she lost my respct from now on. she is another zionist liar and stupid. she should go back to school of journalism.
Permalink a distant viewer replied on
Shame on you ABC and Diane. if you couldn't report the truth at least don't deceive the viewers with false reporting. Shame...!
Stop the Occupation
Permalink Kamal aL AMSRI replied on
All what happens is the result of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Israel kills Palestinians civilians everyday by Western weapons. Till now, 80% of the casualties Palestinian side are women and children. Stop supporting and financing the genocide in Palestine.
Poor journalism and ignorant audience
Permalink anonymouse replied on
I read a great deal about the history of the Middle eastern region. First of all, I am frustrated by the coverage by the major journalists and this is just another example of poor coverage. I would strongly urge these commentators and journalists please read a few history books about the subject before you post.
I can recommend this blog as a starting point.
Wow.. Masyallah, israeli
Permalink Anonymous replied on
Wow.. Masyallah, israeli women have started wearing the hijab! What next?I'd like to see them pray fajr in a mosque.
The world knows
Permalink Anonymous replied on
Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: Israel
Question: Which country in the Middle East has just recently used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing civilians including children?
Answer: Israel
Question: What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International fordemolishing more than 4000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing?
Answer: Israel
Question: What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in the United States , according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders?
Answer: Israel
Question: Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S. ?
Answer: Israel
Question: Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns, villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes?
Answer: Israel
Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, bulldozers, or tanks?
Answer: Israel
Question: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections? ?
Answer: Israel
Question: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
Answer: Israel
Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
Answer: Israel
Well said! You might add,
Permalink June Tarsha replied on
Well said! You might add, "Which country takes millions of our tax dollars and kills (36) and mains (175) our citizens? "
ABC News
Permalink Shawn Irwin replied on
This is just plain disgusting. It is a prime example of the mass media, putting out the news before checking the credibility of it. Why they do not use reporters from the effected region instead of ignorant, careless Americans is above and beyond me. They don't show both sides either, it's all one-sided for the most part. At least PBS lets you hear both sides of issues, ABC is biased and unreliable.
This was clearly a mistake...
Permalink Anonymous replied on
This was clearly a mistake... ignorance and error on the part of the anchor... not a blatant lie...
Mistaking Palestinians for Israelis.
Permalink Elizabeth replied on
Very strange for a woman who did some reporting from Israel not so long ago. Much different from the pictures of Israel and Israelis I've seen. Do reporters not see the pictures about which they are talking? Ms sawyer and the team certainly know better and from the emails so does the viewing public. 24 hour "news" has become a bad joke. Lucky we have other sources to learn from.
Freedom for Palestine!!
Permalink Palestine forever replied on
Freedom for Palestine!!
Justice for Palestine!!
Humanity for Palestine!!!
Palestine has NO Navy, NO Air Force, NO Army....THIS is not WAR this is genocide!!
USA stop aiding Israel for their criminal acts against Palestine!!!
USA stop helping Israel killing children,
killing woman, killing innocent Palestinians!!
USA you have cities and towns right here in the USA that need money!!!
Freedom for Palestine!!
Justice for Palestine!!
Humanity for Palestine!!!
Palestine has NO Navy, NO Air Force, NO Army....THIS is not WAR this is genocide!!
USA stop aiding Israel for their criminal acts against Palestine!!!
USA stop helping Israel killing children,
killing woman, killing innocent Palestinians!!
USA you have cities and towns right here in the USA that need money!!!
RE:The World Knows
Permalink Michelle replied on
Well said. I would like to share this comment if possible.
Sure you can :)
Permalink Anonymous replied on
Sure you can :)
she can't be that stupid...
Permalink from palestine replied on
she can't be that stupid... of course who controls the media... ??? what a shame telling the whole world that those lies without a blink of an eye...
Diane Sawyer IS A LIAR
Permalink adeel ahsan replied on
Are Hamas' rockets even
Permalink Dan replied on
Are Hamas' rockets even powerful enough to do the kind of damage shown in those clips? I literally don't know - anyone have a little info? Any pix of what kind of damage a "successful" Hamas-launched rocket can do?
At the end of the day, just praying that someone has the guts to break the cycle of violence with an act of peace - we need mutual repentance, forgiveness to go anywhere.
It's not necessarily intentional
Permalink Basil replied on
The fact that there's going to be an apology, a correction's good. Remember, unfortunately, many Americans don't know much about the region and what happened on September 11th made things worse to the point where some will immediately side against Palestinians because they're mostly Muslim. That said, the percentage of Americans who are more sympathetic to Palestinians is more than it was 20 years ago. Things are changing. Many don't understand the differences between Israelis and Palestinians, and I think that's what happened.
Don't hate her for it, though I can understand the anger at the ignorance.
Mainstream media USA --- Empire morality
Permalink John Ellis replied on
All of Western mainstream media is owned by the corporate rich, most all Western politicians are election funded by the corporate rich and the name of the game is to please the gods of society, the voting majority, namely the educated upper half of society, specifically the 51% most wealthy. This is why the undeucated lower half of society is enslaved by poverty and wars of aggression have prevailed since the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
Did I hear the apology right?
Permalink carol dc replied on
I hadn't heard about this but just heard the apology and it sounded like she said: "We said Israelis attacked Gaza. We meant Israel did. We are so deeply sorry." I was wondering why she'd be so sorry about saying Israelis vs. Israel.
Hopefully I heard it wrong! Someone please report on what she said. Thanks.