The Electronic Intifada Toronto 26 November 2013
![Palestinian women shout during a demonstration](
“Never again for humankind” means supporting Palestinian resistance to Israel’s Prawer Plan.
ActiveStillsWe hear disturbing reports this year from southern Israel. The Israeli government proposes to relocate some 70,000 Palestinian Bedouins from their present homes to government-approved townships. This is called the Prawer Plan, and Israel’s parliament approved it by a three-vote majority in June.
The Prawer Plan would destroy 35 Bedouin villages in the Naqab (Negev) region and extinguish Bedouin claims to land seized from them after the foundation of Israel. The government denies basic services to these villages. Right beside them, in many cases, are new, modern, fully serviced communities for Jewish settlers.
Supporters of the Prawer Plan say that it will compensate the Bedouin for their lost lands and improve their economic status. Unconvinced, the European Parliament has condemned the plan and demanded its withdrawal. So has the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the UN Office for Human Rights and Human Rights Watch.
This plan has not been negotiated with the Bedouins and does not have their agreement. It is to be imposed on them. Many have called it ethnic cleansing.
Ethnic cleansing has been defined by the UN Security Council as the forcible removal by one ethnic or religious group of another such group in a geographic area. When I think of ethnic cleansing, I recall my own experience in France under Nazi occupation during the Second World War.
Six months before I was born, the French government of the time passed laws excluding Jews from the civil service, education, the media and other professions. They repealed the law against anti-Semitism and started a massive anti-Jewish hate campaign. Large numbers of Jews were rounded up and put in concentration camps.
Much of France was then under Nazi occupation, but the Nazis didn’t ask for these measures. The French authorities volunteered and did it on their own. But soon the Nazis got into the act. They had a vast project — to clear 10 million Jews out of all European countries — not to deport but to exterminate them.
Ethnic cleansing on a grand scale.
The French police handed over to the Nazis tens of thousands of Jews and other French people to be sent to Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp in Poland, where they were almost all slaughtered. French authorities tore children from the arms of their mothers, and handed over the mothers to be exterminated.
Then, weeks later, the children were packed into a death train and sent to Auschwitz to also to die there. Among the adult victims was my mother, killed in Auschwitz in 1943.
The Nazis’ goal was to round up, deport and massacre all the Jews in France — as was being done across Europe. The Nazis documented the names, date of birth, country and towns of origin. I know the date and number of the convoy that took my mother to Auschwitz and the day she died there. It was as though they collected human trophies.
Wave of revulsion
But amid this terrible slaughter, an inspiring thing happened. There was a wave of revulsion in France against the treatment of the Jews. Both spontaneously and through organizations, French people made arrangements to protect them.
Altogether, three-quarters of the French Jews escaped the Holocaust. Some 10,000 Jewish children left their families and were hidden. I was among them.
In 1943, a resistance organization took charge of my care and placed me with a peasant family in Auvergne, a farming region in south-central France.
Last month I went back to Auvergne to learn how it was that I had been saved.
I spoke to many people who remembered those years. Auvergne at that time was a land of refuge, a poor region, but one where there was food and much work to be done.
It welcomed refugees from Italy, from Spain, from German-occupied regions. It welcomed French young men, who the government was trying to round up and ship to Germany to do forced labor.
Emma, one of my new friends in Auvergne, told me there were a dozen Muslim refugees from the Soviet Union in her village, conscripted into the Nazi army, and sent to France. They had deserted to join the anti-Nazi resistance.
There were the Roma — the French police rounded up and interned thousands of them. And there were thousands of Jewish refugees in Auvergne, old and young, seeking safety from arrest by French and German authorities.
I met a man who led his community in providing refuge. His name is Robert; he is now 91 years old. When he was 20 years old, he helped hide and protect 130 Jewish persons who had come to seek safety in his little town, Malzieu.
He was ready to lay down his life for them. He showed me an immense wooden wardrobe that he had pushed against a door, behind which there were Jews in hiding.
Spirit of solidarity
“How many of the Jews were denounced to the police?” I asked.
“None,” he said.
“So did everyone in Malzieu want the Jews to be there?”
“Not at all,” he said. “Some were anti-Jewish.”
“Why didn’t they denounce the Jews, then?” I asked.
“They may have had resentful thoughts, but they didn’t act on them. They would not act against the feelings of their community.”
So even the anti-Semites, through their silence, aided the resistance.
Recently, the Israeli government offered Robert the medal of the “righteous,” honoring Christians and others who saved many Jewish people. But Robert refused it. “I did nothing special,” he said, “Just the minimum that was my duty. And what we achieved, we did together, as a community.”
Robert exemplifies the tradition of universalism — a spirit of solidarity with all humanity. This is a proud Jewish tradition — the tradition of my family. In terms of Hitler’s Holocaust, its meaning is “never again” — but not just with regard to Jews. It means “never again for humankind.”
After the war, I was an orphan. I left France while still a child and crossed the ocean. Now I am a Canadian, proud of my new life here.
But Canada is now the world’s number one apologist for the Israeli government and its oppression of the Palestinians. What does the Holocaust tell me about the status of Palestine today — and the Prawer Plan?
Pattern of dispossession
The sinister Prawer Plan to extinguish Bedouin land rights fits into a pattern of Palestinian dispossession over the last century. It is only the latest step in a process of land theft that has been grinding on for seven decades.
When my parents were born, Palestine was a successful, diverse and tolerant society of Muslims, Christians and Jews. Meanwhile, eastern Europe — tsarist Russia in particular — was wracked by violence against Jews. Many fled the region, and some moved to Palestine.
Among them were my father, when he was a young boy, and his family. But guided by the Zionist movement, these refugees came not as immigrants, to enrich Palestinian society, but as colonial settlers, to displace it: a colonial project of ethnic cleansing.
This was not to my father’s liking, and he moved as a young man to France. Both he and my mother, and most of their Jewish generation in Europe, were skeptical of the Palestine settler project, and sought safety for Jews through social progress in Europe itself.
Step by step, the Zionist project took Palestinian lands, evicting and dispossessing the residents. Then Hitler’s war and Holocaust destroyed forever the Jewish homeland in Poland and neighboring countries. The Jewish survivors searched for a new homeland.
The Canadian government, with the support of many well-intentioned people, thought it proper to grant them a state in Palestine. It seemed only fair, given what the Jews had suffered.
Callously brushed aside
As for the Palestinians, they were callously brushed aside. Indeed the lie was spread that they did not even exist — Palestine was called “a land without people.”
Dispossessing and persecuting Palestinians became a way to atone for Hitler’s crimes. And so we had the Nakba, in 1948, when 750,000 indigenous Palestinians were expelled from their homeland, victims of a new and terrible ethnic cleansing.
The process continues even today. Jewish settlements are imposed on the remaining fragments of Palestinian lands on the West Bank.
The Gaza Strip is cruelly blockaded. Palestinians in Israel suffer legal discrimination.
Palestinian refugees continue to endure forced exile. Israel wages repeated aggressive wars.
And the Prawer Plan targets remaining Bedouin lands.
And still, today, Israeli oppression of the Palestinians is often justified as necessary to prevent a “second Holocaust” against the Jews. What a lie! The very idea is a monstrosity.
It is the Palestinians who suffer mistreatment, often reminiscent of what Hitler imposed on the Jews. The real threat to Israel’s Jewish population comes from their own government’s cruelty, its apartheid policies, its land grabs, its theft of resources, its long-term drive for ethnic cleansing.
If we have learned one thing from Hitler’s crimes against the Jews, it is that ethnic cleansing, ethnic slaughter and genocide must be opposed today wherever it occurs — and above all in Palestine. To be true to the memory of the victims of the Jewish Holocaust and of all Hitler’s victims, we must defend the Palestinians.
Make Israel accountable
We are building a united world campaign to get out the truth about Palestine. Palestinians must have the right to speak up. The media, manipulated by the elite who control Canada, pervasively confront us with a wall of silence. We face continual challenges to the rights granted to us by Canada’s Charter of Rights, free speech and assembly.
Defending the right to speak, discuss and voice an opinion is central to our efforts to defend the Palestinians.
During my trip to Auvergne last month, I was struck by the magical power of human solidarity, expressed in a varied and resourceful resistance movement that saved the lives of 10,000 Jewish children, including me. Let that same spirit of solidarity inspire us today in supporting victims of oppression here and worldwide, beginning in Palestine.
As a Jew, I say the Israeli government’s actions are not in my name. As Canadians, we must now tell the government of Stephen Harper that his support for Israeli apartheid is not in our name.
Stand up for the Palestinians. Demand that their right to return to their homelands is upheld; demand that they have equal rights in Israel; demand an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
Join the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel — BDS. It is a nonviolent and democratic way to unite and make Israel accountable for its crimes against the Palestinians.
Let us call for an end to the Prawer campaign and the dispossession of the Palestinians. Palestine will be free!
Suzanne Weiss is a Holocaust survivor and a Palestinian solidarity activist based in Toronto. This article is an excerpt from a talk given to a student meeting in London, Ontario, on 20 November.
A day of global action against the Prawer Plan has been scheduled for 30 November. For further information, see the BDS Movement website.
Would non violence have
Permalink Tom Ferrour replied on
Would non violence have stopped the Nazis?
Permalink Otla Pinnow replied on
Propagated nationalism is pure ideology, theory, if individual people in society don't see each other as co-citizens. This was in Germany: me and my family and anything else doesn't affect me. They fetched my neighbour? Well, he has a problem, but what has it to do with my life? Out of sight, out of care.
A criminal system bases on the self-isolation of individuals and small peer groups. The violence of a regime is always stronger than any violence a small isolated group can hold against.
That's the whole secret of a free, democratic and just society: if majority does care if a single one of them is treated unjust or even criminal.
This is not only valid for a state society, but also for world community.
Non-Violence and the Struggle against Colonialism
Permalink Gabriel Haythornthwaite replied on
Non-violence had a role to play in struggle against Nazism as the hiding of Jews described by Ms. Weiss demonstrates. Certainly, sane people prefer non-violence as the primary mode of struggle against injustice. However, the extreme violence of colonialism derails the possibility that such a struggle came remain strictly non-violent. Certainly, the most maniacal colonial regime in history, Hitler's Germany, could not have been defeated without the massive military resistance and might of the Allies, particularly the Soviet Union (who engaged 3/4 of the Nazi armed forces between 1941 and 1945). Nelson Mandela describes how, in the wake of the Sharpeville Massacre of 1961 by the Apartheid regime in S Africa, liberationists concluded the need for armed struggle against a brutal regime that shot peaceful protesters in cold blood. The Palestinians have been confronted with a similar reality--an open-ended crusade of violence from the IDF, settlers and fascist hooligans against their people both inside Israel and in Gaza and the West Bank. As an outsider, I am in no moral position to prescribe the proper methods of struggle for Palestinians, much less than to criticize their heroic efforts to defend themselves with all the limited means at their disposal to confront the region's mightiest military. Palestinians themselves debate the merits of non-violent strategy and tactics, I can imagine that the shooting of protesters by the IDF and the armed attacks by settlers aided by the IDF all feeding into a sense similar to 2000 when the option for armed resistance was brought forward.
I of course wrote from the
Permalink Otla replied on
I of course wrote from the view of the Germans themselves, as far as they were anti-nazi like my father. Nazi-regime did use massive violence against such people. They already used violence in the street fights before they gained power. So if a regime uses that violence and majority of citizens doesn't care, what to do? Here and there one tried to bomb Hitler, at end of war some groups occurred who fought against regime sometimes with violence, whereas most of them got caught and killed. Some joined fighters abroad. But those who could not always keep quiet - not everybody is able to - had to flee abroad.
But that's inside a regime. Not comparable with occupation. In an occupied country you have other possibilities because the people back you.
On the other side the occupator has all military power and the occupated only very few; well, history shows they came along, though.
So peaceful or not is in my eyes a matter of strategy. Which works best?
I can say one thing: peaceful protest will not work in Gaza. It's a prison and nobody cares about demonstrations in a prison.
But unfortunately there is only one real weapon people have: the own life and health. And that this is spread to the world. It's no nice thing, but this weapon became sharper through the closing of Rafah.
Wherea spalestinian rockets flying over the wall here and there should not be esteemed as weapons. They are words: "we do not accept the status quo". If they would not fly, people would say, ok, they accept it, so let's keep it like that.
And as Westbank gets more and more similar to Gaza one has to make the same considerations.
No, it would not
Permalink Linda Carraway replied on
.....have stopped the Nazis just as it has not succeeded in the Palestine/Israel holocaust. In order for non-violence to be a positive weapon against evil, the violent party must possess some semblance of a conscience or a sense of shame about its behavior. Israel has neither.
Solidarity saved me from the Nazis
Permalink Philip Toal replied on
- In order for non-violence to be a positive weapon against evil, the violent party must possess some semblance of a conscience or a sense of shame about its behavior. Israel has neither. -
Agree 100%!!
Here in Germany the media has been in overdrive, broadcasting footage showing Nazi brutality, to the benefit of their weapons sales to the IDF, doubtless.
Aware that Israel has always played the holocaust card in any dispute, these documentaries, for the benefit of the Israeli bunker mindset are a bargain deal for the German weapons industry.
Notably absent from German media however, is the total absence of the genocidal
thinking and behavior of the Israelis themselves as that might put a pall on the party.
Permalink Otla Pinnow replied on
One should put an eye on this direction.
I had to do with them - horrible people.
They call themselves left wing, but there is pure racism in the base of their thoughts, so in my eyes they have to be seen as ordinary extreme right wing people.
A lot of radical zionist jews joint it, and radical means, up to supporters of the Jewish Defence League.
I have a certain suspicion that they follow the idea of jewish supremacy over Germans as they call them being genetic nazi. Seems that the normal German jews, following the integration line, fear them as well and get silenced in case of conflicts.
As elsewhere they are eager to find support especially from the gays and the extreme feminists.
Racist politics
Permalink William Prettie replied on
Canadian foreign policy toward support for oppression and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people is despicable that we can look forward to correcting as soon as this current disgrace of a government is thrown out.