Rights and Accountability 15 June 2021

Mourners carry the body of Muhammad Said Hamayel, a 16-year-old Palestinian boy killed by Israeli forces on 11 June in Beita village near Nablus in the occupied West Bank.
APA imagesIsraeli forces fatally shot a woman and a child in two separate incidents in the occupied West Bank over the weekend.
A 16-year-old Palestinian boy was killed by Israeli soldiers in Beita village, near Nablus, on 11 June.
Israeli forces shot Muhammad Said Hamayel with a live bullet in the chest, according to an investigation by Defense for Children International Palestine.
The boy was transferred to a field hospital in the village where he was pronounced dead.
Hamayel is the eighth child killed by Israeli fire in the occupied West Bank this year, according to DCIP.
Fast-growing Jewish-only colony
Israeli forces killed Hamayel during protests in his village against a new Israeli outpost named Evyatar built on the lands of several Palestinian villages.
Such outposts are typically built by settlers without permission from Israeli authorities, in order to create facts on the ground.
However, according to Haaretz this settlement is being built with the backing of the Samaria Regional Council, an official Israeli government body – highlighting how in reality the settlers and occupation authorities work hand in glove.
While technically illegal under even Israeli law, the state often recognizes the settlements retroactively and issues building tenders.
All of Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Syria’s Golan Heights are illegal under international law and their construction is a war crime.
Settlers established Evyatar in May. It is purportedly named after Evyatar Borovsky, an Israeli settler who was fatally stabbed by a Palestinian in 2013.
It is at the site of a former Israeli military base, about a mile from Tapuach junction, known to Palestinians as Zaatara checkpoint.

Palestinians protest a new Jewish-only outpost erected by settlers on Palestinian land, in the occupied West Bank village of Beita, 11 June.
APA imagesIsrael designates certain West Bank areas as “firing zones” and “military zones” as a pretext to forcibly displace indigenous Palestinian communities or prevent them from accessing their land.
Israeli soldiers helped settlers build structures in the outpost, Tel Aviv daily Haaretz reported. The Israeli army said the soldiers did not act with the approval of commanders, according to the newspaper.
Evyatar, which sits on top of a hill, “prevents the creation of a connection between the villages of Qabalan, Yatma and Beita” – all Palestinian villages in the Nablus area – the outpost’s Facebook page states, calling it “a strategic point that strengthens the Jewish presence in the region.”
The Facebook page says 46 families live there currently, and there is a school, daycare center, synagogue and paved roads.
Daniella Weiss, a settler activist, said that building Evyatar is “not just establishing a settlement, it’s an answer to the attacks from Gaza, from the north.”
Some 250 Palestinians were killed in the besieged Gaza Strip and nearly 2,000 were injured during Israel’s 11-day bombing campaign in Gaza that ended on 21 May. More than 60 of those killed by Israel were children.
A fundraiser established for the illegal settlement raised approximately $400,000 in donations.
Before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left office, his chief of staff sent a letter to defense minister Benny Gantz warning him against demolishing Evyatar.
Netanyahu’s office claimed that such an order has required the approval of the prime minister in the past.
Gantz disputed the claim, reportedly saying “the mere act of establishing the outpost is an illegal act of exceptional scope and type.”

Ibtisam Kaabneh, left, was killed by Israeli forces at Qalandiya checkpoint in the West Bank on 12 June. Israeli forces fatally shot 16-year-old Muhammad Hamayel, right, during protests in Beita village on 11 June.
Meanwhile, a Palestinian woman was fatally shot by an Israeli civilian security guard on 12 June at the Qalandiya checkpoint separating Ramallah from occupied East Jerusalem.
The Israeli Police said 28-year-old Ibtisam Kaabneh had a knife on her when she was killed.
Israeli Police reportedly said she pulled the knife and ran towards them, not stopping when she was ordered to do so.
A video filmed by a bystander shows Israeli forces briefly examining Kaabneh and then covering her body.
The video does not show any attempt to provide first aid.Kaabneh was imprisoned by Israel for a year and a half between 2016 and 2018.
Human rights for Palestinians
Permalink Claudio G Hidalgo replied on
Human rights for Palestinians !!
Permalink Frank Dallas replied on
The murder continues and for the enduring reason: the assumption of superiority. Everything in the atrocious mess that is Israel/Palestine rests on the Zionist delusion of messianic entitlement and superiority. From this essential fact the eyes of the world are continually diverted by the media and the international political elite which deliberately mystifies, obfuscates and complicates. Across the wealthy countries, there is confusion in the populace; principally the belief that the situation is impossibly complicated. The history is long and detailed, but the essentials are very simple: since 1897 there has existed the unjustified belief that the Jews deserve a society of their own, a society which will discriminate against non-Jews, a society which can use violence at will because it has messianic entitlement on its side. Long before the Nazi genocide this delusion was abroad; and it is a delusion, because whatever prejudice the Jews have suffered historically, the answer is a democratic society of equal rights, not the establishment of a society where citizenship is reserved for one religious/ethnic group and all others can enjoy only diminished rights. The thinking is fundamentally distorted. There is one human nature and it is shared by all of us. Our differences are minor and superficial. To turn them into hard and fast social and political distinctions on the false basis that nature itself supports such discrimination, is to do violence to human nature; a violence which denatures both its advocates and its victims. Zionism in its racism dehumanizes the Jews as radically as it does the Palestinians. On what evidence do the Zionists base their claim to pre-eminence? There is no evidence. There is only myth and delusion. "Facts on the ground" are merely the effects of a supreme violence powered by the delusion of superiority. The rest is sophistry.