Rights and Accountability 8 May 2013

Yesterday, the Israeli army spokesperson published the above infographic on Twitter and Facebook.
Putting aside the absurd categorization of “rock throwing” and “firebomb incidents” as “terror,” I thought it was important to demonstrate the routine reality for Palestinians under Israeli apartheid rule in the West Bank.
So, in collaboration with New York-based designer Rachele Richards, I produced the following infographic in response, published on my Twitter account and Facebook. The data in our graphic comes from news reports and from the weekly reports of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA).

Double-speak is the name of game for the israeli government
Permalink michael hall replied on
Human beings living under military occupation/dictatorship for decades while their land is systematically stolen, while they are terrorized by violent colonizers and the brutal Israeli Occupation Forces who dare to throw rocks at tanks,military vehicles, in defense of their homes,their families and future is 'terrorism'? This is like calling the victim of rape a violent-lunatic for daring to protest the rape...Orwellian double-speak from a government that wallows in it..
Israeli Terror vs Palestinian Terror
Permalink Ted replied on
Thanks for this graphic and important info; It would also be equally important to show the huge proportionality gap in the number of injuries, arrests, home demolitions, settlers illegally living and walls built on confiscated land, refugees forced from their homes, checkpoints, UN Resolutions and International Laws violated, Years under illegal Military Occupation, Ethnic & Religious Based Apartheid Laws, Water distribution, and Road Use Restrictions, Relative Size of Nuclear Arsenals, Amount of Yearly Military Aid from USA, etc. etc. all of which is available on several websites, including www.btselem.org and www.ifamericaknew.org, among many others.
Permalink Anne Norton replied on
palestines terror.
Permalink colin replied on
do the Israelis realy think people are so stupid to take this seriously.
if kids throwing rocks/stones is terrorism, then at some time every state in the world has terrorists.
most people know which side the terror comes from, even if they don't say it in public.
Permalink Jerrold Cohen replied on
Interesting how Israel calls Palestinian freedom fighters terrorists, while from their standpoint, their terrorist soldiers are doing "self defense" when they do their terrorism.