Rights and Accountability 24 February 2013

The family of Arafat Jaradat mourn in the West Bank village of Sair.
APA imagesArafat Jaradat died in Israel’s Megiddo prison yesterday after being interrogated by Israel’s internal security service Shin Bet, also known as the Shabak. After his arrest at midnight on 18 February, during which he was beaten, Jaradat was held at al-Jalame detention and interrogation center before being transferred to Megiddo prison.
Jaradat was arrested under the suspicion that he was involved in stone-throwing that had wounded an Israeli settler in the occupied West Bank, reported Ma’an News Agency, citing a Shin Bet statement.
Today, Jaradat’s father identified his son’s body.
The Palestinian minister in charge of prisoners’ affairs, Issa Qaraqe, called for “an international investigation into his death, that may have resulted from torture,” Ma’an reported.
Complaints of sharp pain
Al Jazeera English reports that an Israel Prisons Service spokesperson said that the death was probably caused by a cardiac arrest (an autopsy report contradicts the Israeli authorities’ findings — see the update below). During an interrogation session on Thursday, Jaradat was examined “numerous times” by a doctor and no health problems were found so the procedure continued, said the Shin Bet in a statement cited by Ma’an.
But the Shin Bet also stated that Jadarat suffered from health problems prior to his arrest, including back aches and injuries in his leg and stomach, sustained from a rubber bullet and a tear gas canister, according to Ma’an.
However Jaradat’s family told Ma’an that Arafat was in good health before his arrest and did not suffer from any diseases or health conditions.
According to the International Middle East Media Cente, Jaradat’s attorney Kamil Sabbagh said that Jaradat had “complained to him of sharp pain in the back and other parts of his body due to ongoing and extensive interrogation.”
Sabbagh represented Jaradat during a court session held at al-Jalame on Thursday. Jaradat told his lawyer that he was interrogated for several hours each day. Although he repeatedly complained of sharp pain, he was never seen by a physician. Sabbagh told the military judge about the complaints made by Jaradat. The judge instructed the prison administration to grant him the needed medical attention.
Addameer added in a statement today calling for international inquiry into Jaradat’s death:
Mr. Kamil Sabbagh, Arafat’s lawyer from the Ministry of Prisoners and Ex-Prisoner’s Affairs who defended him in a court hearing at Jalameh on 21 February 2013, reported that Arafat was subjected to torture during his interrogation, including being forced to sit for long hours in stress positions with his hands shackled behind his back. Arafat suffered from pain in his back, and therefore, during the court hearing on 21 February, his lawyer requested that he be given a health examination due to the severe conditions that he was detained under. Despite this, the judge ruled to extend his detention for a further twelve days, reducing the prosecution’s request of a fifteen day extension by only three days. The judge also ordered that the medical officials in the interrogation center examine his psychological and physical health and to report the results to the Shin Bet and the court. Two days later, on Saturday 23 February 2013, it was learned that Arafat Jaradat had passed away in a special section for the Shin Bet in Megiddo Prison, under conditions which are still unclear.
Arafat’s family stated that their son was heavily beaten by the IOF [Israeli occupation forces] during his arrest at the entrance of Sa’eer and that he was screaming from the difficult torture he was subjected to. The martyr’s wife, Ms. Dalal Ayayda, added that the intelligence officer that accompanied the IOF during the arrest requested that they allow[ed] him to return to his home for a moment to say goodbye to his wife and children. She considers this to be an indicator that his death in the prison was premeditated.
Jaradat’s death has sparked a mass hunger strike among the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails. A spokesperson for Israel’s Prison Service told Ma’an that approximately 4,500 prisoners in Israeli jails are refusing food from prison authorities.
Thirty-year-old Jaradat is from the Palestinian village of Sair near Hebron in the occupied West Bank. He is married and has two young children, a three-year-old and a two-year-old. Jaradat’s wife is expecting their third child in June.
Human rights defender under interrogation by Jaradat’s torturers
British-Danish security giant G4S provides security equipment to both al-Jalame and Megiddo prisons, according to a March 2011 report on the firm by the watchdog group Who Profits.
Stop the Wall youth coordinator and human rights defender Hassan Karajah, who was arrested in a late-night raid on his family’s home last month, is being interrogated at Jalame detention center by the same investigators involved in Jaradat’s case, according to the human rights group Addameer, which stated on Facebook today:
The Jalameh Military Court extended the detention and interrogation of activist and human rights defender HASSAN KARAJAH for 5 more days.His next hearing will be on Thursday 28 February 2013 in Ofer Military Court. The prosecution requested that his detention be extended eight days, which was reduced to 5 days.
Addameer’s lawyer Samer Sama’an confirmed that Hassan has been subjected to long interrogations by the Shin Bet security forces in Jalameh, and that he is being interrogated by the same investigators that were involved in the martyr Arafat Jaradat’s case.
Samer Sama’an also noted that the court was originally to be held in Salem Court, but at the last moment was transfered to Jalameh Court, meaning his family was barred from entering the court and seeing Hassan. Hassan’s family has only seen Hassan once since his arrest 31 days ago on 23 January 2013.
Rising number of Palestinian prisoners
Meanwhile, Palestinian prisoners’ rights organization Addameer published its 1 February monthly detention report, which notes the following trends:
- The total number of Palestinians prisoners in Israeli jails increased by 69 to 4,812.
- It is disturbing to note that the number of child prisoners increased by 26 to 219, including 31 children younger than 16 which is 8 more than per 1 January 2013.
- The number of female prisoners rose by 2 from 10 to 12.
- The number of Palestinian Legislative Council members increased from 12 to 15. Nine of the lawmakers are held without trial under administrative detention. In total, 178 Palestinians are held under administrative detention.
- The number of prisoners from Gaza remained the same with 437.
- Furthermore, the number of Palestinians serving life sentences increased with 2 to 531.
Update on autopsy report
The Palestinian rights group Al-Haq tweeted the findings of the autopsy report on the cause of Arafat Jaradat’s death, which contradicts Israel’s claim that Jaradat died of a heart attack:
the straw that breaks the camel's back
Permalink Carol Scheller replied on
The facts still to be completely revealed around the murder of Arafat Jaradat, combined with the information detailed in this article may soon be examined before the UN Commission for Human Rights. Whether or not Israel deems it useful to sit in the Commission, it must be hoped that the international community will set liimits just as parents find themselves obliged to set limits for a child no longer able to act responsibly.
Where is Obama's eloquence?
Permalink John El-Amin replied on
Where is Obama's eloquence? Where are the voices of outrage at the continuing atrocities committed by the apartheid regime of Israel?
The killing of students, children, women and " suspects " ?
Where are the voices of the members of the US Congress- those " brave men and women who speak loudly for justice " ??
Where are the "leaders" of the free world??
Dr. Martin L. King said that the hottest place in hell was reserved for those who saw injustice but refused to speak up.
Stay strong Brothers and Sisters- Palestine will be free.
Zionism is racism .
Business as Usual
Permalink JohnWV replied on
Besieged Palestinian Gaza is an experiment in provocation. Stuff one and a half million people into a tiny space, stifle their access to water, electricity, food and medical treatment, destroy their livelihoods, and humiliate them regularly...and, surprise, surprise - they turn hostile. Now why would you want to make that experiment? Because the hostility you provoke is the whole point. Now under attack you can cast yourself as the victim, and call out the helicopter gunships and the F16 attack fighters and the heavy tanks and the guided missiles, and destroy yet more of the pathetic remains of infrastructure that the Palestinian state still has left. And then you can point to it as a hopeless case, unfit to govern itself, a terrorist state, a state with which you couldn't possibly reach an accommodation. And then you can carry on with business as usual, quietly stealing their homeland.
Very well said and sadly , so
Permalink John El-Amin replied on
Very well said and sadly , so true.
Justice and peace will come to our brothers and sisters in the WestBank, Gaza , Israel and the Diaspora.
How can the acts of the Zionists be so ignored- just as the atrocities by the Nazis was ignored. But the truth prevailed. So shall it be in Palestine.
israel, unlike an unruly
Permalink ajamu chaminuka replied on
israel, unlike an unruly child, is extremely dangerous and must be dealt with by the international community just as it would deal with any threat to world peace!
Israeli crimes
Permalink Frederick replied on
The treatment of Palestinians by Israelis is the greatest, continuous, crime of our times. The silence of western governments to these ctimes is collusion with them. The Israeli regime is racist and similar to Nazi laws against non aryans. To compare Israel to nazis is not hyperbole or exageration. Only the gas chambers are missing. But the dehumaniazation of the Palestinians by the Israelis, the brutality used against them, and the racism towards them, with Jewish supremacy laws on the books and practiced, is clearly like the Nazis. When will the world wake up to this, and try to stop these crimes?