Rights and Accountability 6 November 2012
Muhammad Salah
EPA/NewscomIn an important victory for civil rights, Palestinian American Muhammad Salah has been removed from the US Department of Treasury’s list of “designated terrorists.”
The move was, which announced in notice yesterday on the official Department of Treasury website, came after the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), the People’s Law Office, the American Friends Service Committee and the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee filed a lawsuit against the government in September challenging the designation, made by the Clinton administration 17 years ago, as unconstitutional.
The designation was made by executive order, with no legal process, no limitation in time, and no process to challenge it. Salah was the only US citizen residing in the US ever to be subjected to such a designation.
As a result of the designation Salah was “not permitted to get a job, pay rent or a mortgage, pay for his children’s education, obtain medical care or even buy a loaf of bread without first obtaining approval from the Treasury Department,” a release from CCR had explained at the time of the lawsuit.
The government decision to remove Salah from the list before the case came to court may indicate that it judged it would lose a case, and thus have its power limited. Salah had previously been tried and acquitted on terrorism related charges, but served a 22 month sentence for a conviction for giving a false answer in a questionnaire that was part of a lawsuit backed by Zionist groups.
A 5 November notice titled “Anti-Terrorism Designations; Anti-Terrorism Designations Removal” on the Department of Treasury website lists Salah, along with many of his personal details.
Victory: Palestinian-American Muhammad Salah removed from US "te
Permalink Cesare replied on
Good article for American. For people living abroad: INCOMPLETE.
American and Palestinian American may know about the full story abroad. I think very few people would know the person and its full story. I personally dont know the person and the story. The question is:
Would you like to have people outside USA to know and fully understand your story or you are not interested. If you like to have people outside USA that read the Elettronic intifada, to appreciate and uderstandit? Then I believe you should give a brief insight of the story. How the person was capable to carry on with his life if he could not pay rent, pay for his children education, to have a job, etc. How did he manage his life until now?
Thank you for your attention
With the support of his
Permalink AS replied on
With the support of his family and the community. His children have scholarships. I know because he is my uncle.
So is he going to receive compensation from Treasure department?
Permalink MBaig replied on
So is he going to receive compensation from Treasure department?
Permalink Truth seek replied on
The word applies to the founders of the State of Israel. Apparently, their heirs and allies in Washington, D.C. find the burden of guilt, for the horrific crimes of Zionism against the Palestinian people since 1948, too much to bear. Hence, their need to use the word "terrorist" when anyone victimized by Zionist aggression speaks or acts-out with protest. The intended catharsis will succeed only when the initial perpetrators and their heirs confess their crimes, ask forgiveness, and make reparations.