How the Gaza genocide will lead to Israel’s collapse, with Shir Hever

More than eight months into this genocide, Israel is losing the war between its army and the resistance on the ground.

Israel’s own economy is in shambles, as more and more Israelis leave abroad for good and as its high-tech sector collapses.

“I think that what we’re seeing is, first of all, that this Israeli military doctrine has flown out the window,” political economist Shir Hever tells us on The Electronic Intifada Podcast.

“There is no doctrine right now – what we have is a collapse of Israeli society. It is a social collapse. It’s also psychological collapse, [and] it has to do with the fact that Israelis have lost connection with reality,” he adds.

Hever is the military embargo coordinator for the Palestinian Boycott Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) and works on its #ShutDownNation campaign.

Hever, who lives in Germany, is the author of The Privatization of Israeli Security and The Political Economy of Israel’s Occupation.

Along with the societal crisis, Hever says that Israel’s internal infrastructure is in an economic free-fall.

“Israeli economists keep mentioning the fact that Israel became smaller, in the sense that so many people have left their homes, some of the homes were destroyed, some are just not safe, either in the area around the Gaza Strip, or in the north, close to Lebanon,” he says.

“Families are just planning how to leave if they can, if they have an extra passport, or if they can find a job somewhere or studies or whatever. They will just leave.”

Watch the entire episode above, or listen via SoundCloud below.

Video production by Tamara Nassar

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Thank you EI! Excellent conversation with Shir Hever exposing the many cracks in Israel's facade...imploding on itself. I hope it gains a wide audience. Always grateful for your incredible work.

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Nora Barrows-Friedman

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Nora Barrows-Friedman is a staff writer and associate editor at The Electronic Intifada, and is the author of In Our Power: US Students Organize for Justice in Palestine (Just World Books, 2014).