Rights and Accountability 10 September 2015
Israeli soldiers raid the West Bank village of Awarta in June 2014.
APA imagesIsrael’s “mapping procedure” reveals the profound control that it exerts on Palestinians living under its military rule.
The mapping procedure unfolds much like Israel’s routine nighttime arrest raids in the occupied West Bank.
Armed soldiers surround a Palestinian family’s home in the dead of the night. A squad bangs on the front door, waking everyone up. Once inside, the soldiers gather the residents into a single room.
The family’s ID cards are inspected and recorded, as is how everyone is related, and their phone numbers.
One of the family members may be taken by the soldiers as they go from room to room, and ordered to open closet doors, or lift up mattresses.
But unlike during an arrest raid, once the soldiers have gone through the home, they leave and move on to the next one, telling the family that they can go back to sleep.
“Map the entire civilian population”
That is how one former Israeli soldier describes his many “mapping missions” in Palestinian villages near Ramallah.
In the below video testimony published by the group Breaking the Silence, Eyal Weinberg states that “Our objective was to map almost all of the houses and the Palestinian population in the area. … We had to map the entire civilian population.”
The Israeli army has aerial photos of Palestinian villages in which each home is assigned a number. Troops are sent into the villages in the middle of the night to collect more data on particular homes, “writing down every possible detail about the house and its residents.”
The tables of information recorded by the soldiers are passed on to Israel’s intelligence apparatuses.
“There are layers of information on every person or family in the Palestinian population,” Weinberg explains.
He adds that mapping has nothing to do with investigating suspected “terrorists” and is carried out “with the only objective of having information about everyone.”
Though the mapping procedure may be less violent than arrest raids, and no one is removed from the home, it certainly terrifies the Palestinian families who are subjected to it.
A mother in Qusra village near the northern West Bank city of Nablus described to the Israeli rights group B’Tselem her fear when eight soldiers entered her family’s home in the middle of the night in July.
“When I heard them banging on the door, my heart started racing and I began to shake. I also felt pain in my stomach. I’m eight months pregnant and I was afraid something would happen to my baby,” Sanaa Bisharat said.
Arwa Abu Rida, another woman whose home was among the 19 entered that same night, said that the soldiers looked inside the bedroom where her two girls were sleeping, but did not wake them up.
“Why do they go to houses only at night, disturbing and scaring people?” she asked. “I thanked God that my girls hadn’t woken up, especially the eldest, because she’s very scared of soldiers.”
In some cases of the mapping procedure, according to B’Tselem, Israeli soldiers record the members of a household on camera.
That may have been the case when this video was recorded by B’Tselem volunteers in February when Israeli soldiers entered their family’s home in the middle of the night and photographed the children living there:
Former soldier Weinberg says that “My commanders and the GSS [Israel’s internal intelligence apparatus, also known as Shabak or Shin Bet] believed that there’s no such thing as innocent people. In other words, everyone is a potential future terrorist and that’s why we have to know them all.”
The extreme violation and exploitation of Palestinians’ privacy was protested last year by a group of Israeli reservists affiliated with the elite “Unit 8200” electronic espionage operation.
In their public letter, the soldiers gave a rare acknowledgment of Israel’s spying on Palestinians in order to use personal information to coerce them into collaborating.
Israel has even outsourced some of this information-gathering to the Palestinian Authority and United Nations through the Gaza reconstruction mechanism to rebuild the nearly 100,000 homes badly damaged or destroyed last year.
There is nothing benign or impersonal about Israel’s occupation. And no Palestinian home is safe from abuses of its power.
IDF Incognito
Permalink tom hall replied on
You can see why they choose to wear masks.
It is clear the IDF want to
Permalink D. replied on
It is clear the IDF want to 'make' terrorists. Is there nothing better to do with their time than to terrorize children in the middle of the night, cover their faces so they can't be recognized, and to their ultimate shame search the privacy of peaceful citizens of Palestine. On what authority do they scale the wall of their 'protection against terrorists' to terrorize families on the other side...? I give Breaking the Silence credit; but how is it working to end this suffering? Please help to get other IDF defectors...for this activity only breeds violence and trauma. THIS NEEDS TO STOP!!! TREAT YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF...
Sadly reminiscent of 100 years ago
Permalink iyas replied on
When the European Jewish terror groups organised by Ben Gurion first came to Palestine to start their ethnic cleansing plan, they had documentation of Palestinian villages, towns and population centres to use as their guide. This process today seems dangerously reminiscent of that.
See also Nancy Updike's This American Life Piece
Permalink Shai Gluskin replied on
Nancy Updike did a This American Life piece on IDF "Mapping" called "Photo Op" which aired on April 19, 2013.
This whole "Mapping" thing can refer to different kinds of operations. But the power of the Updike piece was the revelation that for many/most "mapping" operations, any data collected is simply thrown out. The entire purpose of those operations was intimidation. Period. The sole purpose was to make Palestinians, of all stripes, uncomfortable in Palestine.
The transcript to Updike's piece can be found here: http://j.mp/1KHRW0U
One more thing about the Updike piece
Permalink Shai Gluskin replied on
The piece was presented from the point of view of an 18 year-old new Israeli recruit. Given his upbringing in Israeli schools/culture he was under the impression that the Israel Defense Forces behaved in a moral way. The piece describes his disillusionment when he realizes that the mapping he was being asked to do had nothing to do with intelligence and was simply about intimidation. He was shocked when he learned that the addresses they were given to be "mapped" were screened in order to make sure there were actually *no suspects* residing at those locations.
I found Updike's story a tad hopeful in the sense that the corruption of the IDF was so incredibly transparent; one has to assume many other young recruits would be as disillusioned as the one profiled in the story. But then, of course, the occupation has been going on for a long, long time and few Israeli soldiers have been willing to break the silence. Good job to the ones that have though.
Plan D is still in force: The Nakba is not over
Permalink John de Clef Piñeiro, Esq. replied on
It's all part of "Plan D." Read what it is here in the Preface to "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine":