Activism and BDS Beat 6 October 2016

A 2014 Dublin protest in solidarity with Gaza, Palestine.
Rabble.ieThe Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign announced on Monday that its accounts had been closed by the Bank of Ireland.
The IPSC is seeking answers from the bank, which would only say the organization no longer met its “risk appetite.”
In a statement the IPSC said the move appeared to be “part of a campaign orchestrated by the Israeli government.”
The group also described the bank’s decision as “an attack on Palestinian rights and BDS,” the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.
According to, an Irish news website, the bank has refused to comment about its decision.
Kevin Squires, the IPSC’s coordinator, told that “Bank of Ireland’s silence speaks volumes. Honestly it’s hard to not view this as part of a wider campaign which has seen banks close accounts in the UK, Austria and France.”
Squires said the campaigning group had sent just $1,350 to Palestine in the last financial year, mostly to buy Palestinian scarves.Politicians in Ireland have slammed the bank’s unexplained move.
Mary Lou McDonald, deputy leader of the political party Sinn Féin, said that the closure was “outrageous” and “insulting to the Palestinian people.”
“Bank of Ireland should reopen the account and offer a public explanation as to why this happened in the first place,” said McDonald.
International campaign
Over the last year or more, the bank accounts of Palestine solidarity groups in Europe have been closed by banks citing only “risk appetite.”
Groups in the UK have had accounts shut for similarly vague reasons.
Banks including HSBC and the Co-operative Bank in the UK have offered no real explanation for the closures, but have anonymously briefed right-wing press with insinuations about “terrorism.”
In July 2015, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the UK was told by the Co-operative Bank that its accounts would be shut. The group, hoping to resolve the matter through negotiation, did not go public until November 2015, when it launched a legal challenge.
Other Palestine solidarity groups in the UK were similarly affected, including Friends of al-Aqsa and the International Solidarity Movement.
More recently, Palestine solidarity groups in Germany were similarly targeted.
The IPSC has suggested that its supporters should consider shutting down Bank of Ireland accounts in protest at the decision, as well as making complaints to the bank’s head office.
Boycott these banks, specifically.
Permalink Jane Zacher replied on
I find it hard in an international business environment, to boycott every banking entity that benefits from the occupation. However, there were specific banks mentioned in this article.
Would anyone know, if these banks had branches in the U.S. ? I will not do business with these banks.
Jane Zacher student, Philadelphia Pa U.S.A of Temple University
time to act
Permalink tom hall replied on
You can let the Bank of Ireland know exactly what you think of this decision with an email to:
People from around the world have already contacted them. Please take the time to add your voice. When you consider how reckless and crooked the Irish banking system is, the idea of these people suddenly adopting a risk averse position towards a peaceful Palestinian advocacy group is utterly risible.
Closure of IPSC Bank of Ireland accounts
Permalink Tess replied on
This cowardly action must be countered by the people rising up in a body to express our outrage
I would urge everyone with a Bank of Ireland account to close it That's somethings which is entirely in the power of each account holder and is the only effective way I can see to exercise that power.
The continuous abuse of power by the zionist entity is despicable and criminal, no other state would get away with it and the craven submission to Israel by the banks must be opposed by all decent people.
Great disappointment in Ireland
Permalink Rex Wiliams replied on
When a country like Ireland submits to the pressures from an inhumane country like Israel, a latter day fascist state, with the treatment you have received over time with suppression and cruelty from England, it is a sorry day.
I must admit that this is a turning point for the respect I had for your country. I doubt that for thousands of your admirers, Ireland will ever recover from this unjust action.
Had I not had this news confirmed twice today, I would never have believed it was true.
don't blame the people
Permalink John Costello replied on
I hope I'm not blamed for the actions of Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley.
While there is a perplexing conservative streak that runs through some Irish communities, especially here in America, historically and in recent years as well, the Irish are one of the most actively progressive of races.
Now if you want to blame the heartless, soulless, unIrish,1% capitalist class, then I see your point and I'm with ya boyo!
I agree with you
Permalink Sage24 replied on
It is a huge disappointment that Ireland is capitulating to zionist efforts to control it, just like it does the US.
It seems nations are either deliberately allowing the occupier to control policies in their own nations, or are too naive to not realize
this is opening the door to a very precarious situation that they cannot get out of. I had a lot of hopes that Ireland, unlike the US, UK, and
some EU nations, will show the world how to stand up to an oppressor and an apartheid nation, but it seems it is not going to be that way.
Permalink Burnis Tuck replied on
Outrageous! Here's my email to BOI:
Hello, Bank of Ireland
Just a note of outrage at reports about your recent closing of the accounts of IPSC, an action which appears to be politically motivated by "you-know-whom".
Your reason appears to be completely bogus and I hope you return to good sense soon.
As you should know, being critical of Israel or supportive of Palestine are not equivalent to anti-Semitism, I don't care how many times the Zionists say so.
Burnis Tuck
Fresno, CA.
i am do proud of all of you
Permalink rick nash replied on
i am do proud of all of you who have the bravery to spread the truth about this evil regime. gids watching. love u guys
Bank Accounts closed
Permalink Tiger Moto replied on
This is the effect of terrorism legislation used for purpose not designed for.Banks which use this legisaltion to close such accounts will simply lose money to others.
It is a disgrace that The Israeli Zionist lobby have such an influence on Western governments,they can cower under such pressure while, ignoring the wishes of its people.
So now charities can be targeted by the Zionist Nazi Brigade.This could be a sign of their strength or weakness,as moral pressure takes its toll.