3 November 2011

The South Africa session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine will be opened by Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Saturday. Two weeks from now on Thursday 17 November there will be a book launch in London to celebrate the publication of my new book: Corporate Complicity in Israel’s Occupation. The book, which I edited along with Frank Barat, is a record of the findings of last year’s London session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine.
A group of experts submitted papers to the tribunal, presenting their findings on specific corporations’ complicity with Israel’s occupation. The book collects all these papers together, along with extracts from their oral evidence, formal replies from companies, the final findings of the session and an exclusive forward by famous American novelist Alice Walker. Authors include: Shir Hever, Richard Hermer QC, Dalit Baum & Merav Amir (of Who Profits?), Adri Nieuwhof, Salma Karmi-Ayyoub, Nancy Kricorian & Rae Abileah (of Codepink), John Hilary (of War on Want) and more.
Copies of the book will be available to buy at the event. If you can’t make it, you can buy the book directly from the Pluto Press website, from Amazon, or ask your local independent bookshop to order it in.
Speaking at our London book launch along with myself and Frank will be:
- Rafeef Ziadah, a Palestinian human rights activist, trade unionist, academic and spoken word artist. She is representing the Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (PTUC-BDS) at the Russell Tribunal on Palestine in Cape Town
- Joseph Dana, a writer and journalist based in Ramallah who has written for Le Monde Diplomatique, The Nation, The London Review of Books and has reported for Al Jazeera English.
The Facebook page for the event is here.
Time: 18:30 - 21:30, Thursday 17 November. Venue: Amnesty International Human Rights Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, EC2A 3EA, London, United Kingdom