Ali Abunimah’s blog

Video: Palestinian woman "takes over" Israeli military vehicle at Ofer protest for hunger strikers

This video shows a Palestinian woman mounting an Israeli military vehicle amid protests near Ofer Prison in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on 1 May, in solidarity with hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. The video also shows Israeli occupation forces attacking female protestors with pepper spray directed into their eyes from close range as they lie on the ground. 

Urgent action needed to save lives of Palestinian hunger strikers Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh, doctors warn

Two Palestinian hunger strikers are at grave risk of death unless urgent action is taken, two human rights organization have warned. Even with their grave physical conditions, Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh are being denied family and lawyer visits and being subjected to mistreatement and denial of necessary medical care. 

148 professors sign letter objecting to New York Times Nazi ad, but paper refuses to run it

One hundred and forty-eight US college professors signed a letter objecting to an advertisement in The New York Times by notorious racist David Horowitz naming indvidual faculty members at several US colleges and accusing them of inciting murder of Jewish children, and likening the movement to boycott Israel (BDS) to Nazism. 

In BDS milestone, UK supermarket chain to boycott Israel firms doing business with settlements

Palestine solidarity campaigners celebrated news that The Co-operative Group – commonly known as The Co-op – has decided to expand its boycott of goods produced in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land into a complete boycott of companies that source any goods in settlements. 

Israeli police forcibly prevent Nakba event and Israeli high schoolers cheer for Nazis

Last night in Tel Aviv, police forcible prevented a group of Israelis from peacefully and silently commemorating the Nakba – the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine. This came just days after hundreds of Israeli high school students caused consternation by loudly cheering for Nazis as they watched a play on Holocaust Remembrance Day.