Former UK foreign minister hits back at Israeli "anti-Semitism" smear
28 October 2013
Jack Straw today rejected a former Israeli MP’s claim that he made anti-Semitic comments during an event they both spoke at last week.
28 October 2013
Jack Straw today rejected a former Israeli MP’s claim that he made anti-Semitic comments during an event they both spoke at last week.
24 October 2013
A leaked US embassy cable shows the Israel Law Center’s director privately admitting it “took direction” from Israel’s spy agencies.
22 October 2013
There are some surprising inclusions and omissions on the Zionist group’s latest list.
17 October 2013
Arik Ben-Zvi, managing director of the firm hired by Egypt, served in the Israeli army. The lobby shop was founded by senior members of the Democratic Party.
3 October 2013
About half of American Jews do not think the current Israeli government is making a sincere effort to bring about a peace settlement.
27 September 2013
Professor David Klein is under attack once again for his public support of the boycott movement.
27 September 2013
David Rotem, a recent guest in the European Parliament, can make vile statements about Palestinians without fear of censure.
25 September 2013
Why is a human rights group “proud” to share a stage with such “allies” as Tzipi Livni and Joe Biden who are deeply implicated in Israeli war crimes against Palestinians?
22 September 2013
Israeli army negotiator Moty Cristal is seeking financial damages and an apology because a workshop he was due to speak at was canceled.
20 September 2013
Thirty-seven laws hostile to Islam have been introduced across the US so far this year.