WESPAC Foundation 1 December 2006

Avigdor Lieberman (Photo: Israel MFA)
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
P.O. Box 617
Hartsdale, NY 10530
Phone: (914) 725-9294 F
ax: (914) 472-5073
Dear Senator Clinton,
We your constituents respectfully and forcefully request that you cancel your upcoming meeting with Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s newly appointed Minister of Strategic Threats. Please cancel the meeting publicly as a matter of principle that is in the best interests and ideals of the United States of America. As a champion of democracy and human rights, you cannot possibly know about the policies and positions of Mr. Lieberman and his Yisroel Beitenu political party, and still be intending to meet with him. In a recent editorial about his appointment, Haaretz, Israel’s newspaper of record wrote, “…the choice of the most unrestrained and irresponsible man around for this job constitutes a strategic threat in its own right. Lieberman’s lack of restraint and his unbridled tongue, comparable only to those of Iran’s president, are liable to bring disaster down upon the entire region.” We are surprised that your staff has not already done so, but please let us share with you this briefing on his record before you are embarrassed by honoring such a man to a meeting with our esteemed Senator. Here is the record (as compiled by the Institute for Middle East Understanding, IMEU):
Recently you sent us a reply letter in which, among other things, you wrote, “…The United States must stand by Israel as she defends herself. No government can stand idly by when its citizens and soldiers are attacked and abducted and when terrorist groups make incursions into its territory…” Applying your own standards of justice and decency, we think that in the matter of Avigdor Lieberman the United States must stand with the Palestinians — in both Israel proper and the Occupied Territories - as they are threatened with loss of life, liberty, dignity and land.
As the tragic events on the ground always overtake even our most humanitarian concerns, our vision is to work cooperatively with leaders like you to ensure that our domestic and foreign policies truly reflect concerns for human rights and basic human needs. A meeting of any kind with Avigdor Lieberman would convey a legitimacy on him and his positions that would in fact harm, not advance, the cause of justice, peace and freedom. We do not imagine that you would agree to meet with any European racist or fascist politician; please protect and project the most fundamental interests of the United States of America by refusing to meet with Avigdor Lieberman.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. The favor of your reply is requested.
Sincerely yours,
Howard Horowitz
President, WESPAC Foundation
Member, Middle East Committee
Andrew Courtney
Board of Directors
Member, WESPAC Middle East Committee
WESPAC Foundation has been the leading force in Westchester County for peace and justice work for over three decades. WESPAC Foundation provides outreach and community to individuals, groups and leaders in civic and religious organizations in greater Westchester who find themselves without a voice or support system for their progressive positions. WESPAC Foundation’s purpose is to give a human face to those who would otherwise be unrecognized victims of war, injustice and environmental degradation. WESPAC Foundation connects the people of Westchester with a progressive agenda for the planet and its peoples.
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