
P10K: 10,000 international observers needed in Palestine

Ex-US Marine/Gulf War Veteran & Founder of the Human Shield Action to Iraq Ken O’Keefe announces P10K FORCE’ plan to Mobilize 10,000 International Observers from Western Nations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) — Launching September 11, 2004. Press conference details — When: Wednesday June 9th, 1300 1300-1330, Questions 1330-End. Where: American Colony Hotel - East Jerusalem. Who: Ken O’Keefe, Ian Hodgson (P10K Coordinator), Rihab Aisawi (who has lost three loved ones to the occupation). 

CNN goes where few have dared to go, adopting Israel's "disputed" territories terminology

We must again note that CNN’s reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not all bad. But, once again, here is a report that employs terminology to describe land — the central issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — that comes straight from the Israeli lexicon. The language of this report suggests that the status of West Bank land is unclear, that it is “disputed”. The status of this land is anything but unclear and is defined by international law as occupied territory, regardless of the views of Israel or CNN

The unique, pervasive, and one-sided nature of CNN's convoluted linguistic formulations about the Israeli military occupation compel any reasonable observer to conclude political bias

We first must note that CNN’s reporting of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not all bad. On several critical points, however, the network has adopted a unique, bizarre, and indefensible position on what is otherwise universally understood to be Israel’s status in the Occupied Territories as well as the legal status of Jewish settlements in these areas. 

Nakba widely misrepresented as an anti-Israeli protest instead of a Palestinian commemoration

“As they mourn today’s anniversary of the birth of Israel, Palestinians find themselves living through a new disaster, a mismatched struggle with the Jewish state that threatens what they have accomplished in the past eight years.” — from “A Bitter Sense of Deja Vu for Palestinians,” by MARY CURTIUS, Los Angeles Times. Of course Palestinians are not mourning the birth of Israel, but the uprooting of 800,000 Palestinans from their land in the Nakba

CNN refers to the West Bank and Gaza Strip as part of Israel

Following our April 12th Action Item #11, CNN yet again portrayed the Israeli occupation as a Palestinian point of view, in a April 26th report titled, “Israel celebrates independence, Palestinians mourn deaths”: “But the Palestinians blame Israel for the violence, saying they employ heavy-handed methods to control Palestinian protesters — and that the presence of Israeli troops in the West Bank and Gaza amounts to an occupation of Palestinian territory.” 

CNN's Jerrold Kessel decides that the existence of the Israeli military occupation is merely 'a point of view'

Any suggestion that the 34-year-old Israeli military occupation is a Palestinian “opinion”, rather than an internationally established fact, represents the extreme end of irresponsible and inexact international media reporting. CNN’s Jerrol Kessel goes there. 

"In our hearts and in our work": The continuing influence of Rachel Corrie in Olympia

One year after the murder of activist Rachel Corrie by the Israelis in Gaza, her local community has not forgotten her. Ms. Corrie continues to inspire and lead in Olympia, it may even be possible that she has become more powerful in death than in life. There is some solace in this ability to affect change postmortem, to have truly achieved martyr status, but it is an aching solace tinged with loss. At the same time, there is this harsh and parallel realization that Olympia has lost but one life to the Occupation. It is sobering and hard to truly imagine the sorrow of the Palestinians who have lost so many and so much. candio. reports from Olympia. 

Taking a call for justice in the Middle East to Kerry's doorstep

In the aftermath of the horror that has been visited upon Rafah over the past two weeks in particular but the past three years in general, Americans across the country are asking their congress people to stop military aid to Israel. On Friday 21 May 2004, there were sit-ins and other similar actions at congressional offices in San Francisco, Louisville, New Orleans, Albuquerque, Olympia, New York, and more. Following a week of calling representatives, Senators and the White House, Bostonians marched to the campaign office of John Kerry. Tom Wallace reports for EI

Pilots, writers, human rights activists appeal High Court to stop appointment of Deputy IDF Chief of Staff

Today, May 23, a group of 27 writers, pilots, academics, including Shulamit Aloni, Michael Ben-Yair and law professor S.Z. Feller, and the organizations Yesh Gvul and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel appealed for an interim injunction to the High Court demanding the Court to prohibit the appointment of Major General Dan Halutz as Deputy IDF Chief of Staff. The appeal is based on Haluz’s role in the assassination of Salah Shehadeh, during which a one-ton bomb was dropped on a residential neighborhood in Gaza killing 15 Palestinians, mostly children, and wounding dozens. The petitioners claim that Dan Halutz is not worthy of a senior command position in the IDF

Freedom Summer Palestine 2004

Freedom Summer Palestine 2004 is conceived to be 56-day campaign (one day for every year of displacement and dispossession) against occupation, whereby Palestinians mobilizing with the participation and support of their international supporters, will draw the attention of the world to the true nature of the situation on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Palestinian struggle is a just struggle for dignity, human rights and freedom. This press release from the International Solidarity Movement offers information about the campaign. 
