Palestine Writes fights censorship calls
18 September 2023
Festival organizers urge UPenn to reject malicious claims by pro-Israel lobby. Read more about Palestine Writes fights censorship calls
18 September 2023
Festival organizers urge UPenn to reject malicious claims by pro-Israel lobby. Read more about Palestine Writes fights censorship calls
8 November 2012
As campus activists in the US work to build a sustainable movement following the Second National Conference of Students for Justice in Palestine, it’s more important than ever to internalize and build upon the lessons of past efforts. Read more about Palestine activism on campus and beyond: overcoming Israel's efforts to erase history
5 February 2012
Video and report about my Penn BDS conference keynote, and my account of how an anti-Palestinian filmmaker misrepresented himself as a CBC journalist in a dirty trick. Read more about Video of my Penn BDS speech and how Zionist filmmaker pretended to be from Canada's CBC
2 February 2012
Unchecked inflammatory rhetoric by opponents of the Penn BDS conference, and the University of Pennsylvania’s failure to act, is making students feel unsafe. Read more about As anti-BDS attacks mount, students feel unsafe but U of Penn President maintains shameful silence
1 February 2012
In the latest shot against the upcoming boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) conference at the University of Pennsylvania next weekend, the movement is being openly compared to Nazism. Read more about BDS is Nazism and Omar Barghouti is Hitler says UPenn professor in shocking smear
29 January 2012
Academic scholars visit Palestine on a fact-finding mission and urge their colleagues to join the academic boycott of Israel; London’s Museum of Natural History criticized for its links with settlement industry Ahava; and more. Read more about BDS roundup: Scholars' delegation to Palestine, UK museum slammed for links to Ahava
29 January 2012
The Phildelphia Inquirer today publishes opposing op-eds on the upcoming boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) conference one by Ali Abunimah and the other by former CIA chief James Woolsey and Jonathan Schanzer of the pro-Israel neocon group Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Read more about EI's Ali Abunimah vs former CIA chief Woolsey on Penn BDS conference, in dueling Inquirer op-eds
24 January 2012
In the run-up to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) conference at the University of Pennsylvania in early February, at which I will be speaking, the defamation and fabrication machines of anti-Palestinian groups have gone into over-drive. In December, StandWithUS attempted to smear me as an “anti-Semite” with fabricated quotes. Read more about Does this look like "incitement" to you? Zionist fabrications, smears intensify ahead of Penn BDS conference