Will US scrap free speech rights to serve Israel?
27 June 2022
Appeals court rules Israel boycotts are not protected, lawyers take case to Supreme Court. Read more about Will US scrap free speech rights to serve Israel?
27 June 2022
Appeals court rules Israel boycotts are not protected, lawyers take case to Supreme Court. Read more about Will US scrap free speech rights to serve Israel?
18 March 2016
Israel’s campaign against the BDS movement threatens basic freedoms all over the world. Read more about Boycotting Israel is a free speech right
4 December 2015
Republican hopeful ratchets up repression threats against Palestine solidarity movement. Read more about Jeb Bush says he'd order crackdown on BDS as president
8 June 2015
US passports of citizens born in Jerusalem may not list “Israel” as country of birth, Supreme Court rules. Read more about US Supreme Court deals Israel lobby big defeat in Jerusalem passport case
1 October 2014
Can a US passport state that “Israel” is the birth country of a US citizen born in Jerusalem? Answer given by justices may have profound implications. Read more about In closely watched case, US Supreme Court may decide fate of Jerusalem
San Francisco 9 July 2013
A Jordanian bank accused of providing services to Hamas is petitioning the US Supreme Court. Read more about Arab Bank mounts legal challenge against claims of aiding terror
2 November 2012
Linda Moreno, defense attorney for Ghassan Elashi of the Holy Land Foundation, who was convicted for giving charity to Palestinian women and children, talks about the US Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the case. Read more about Podcast: Case against the Holy Land Five "a co-production with the government of Israel"
29 October 2012
The US Supreme Court announced Monday that it had decided not to hear the appeal of the Holy Land Five; EI interviews Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Read more about "Justice has fled the country": US Supreme Court won't hear Holy Land Five case
18 April 2012
Nancy Murray, education director of the ACLU of Massachusetts, explains why she believes a “Muslim exception” is being carved out of the First Amendment, how a juror came to Tarek Mehanna’s sentencing hearing last week to ask the judge for mercy, and why Mehanna’s case has wide-reaching implications. Read more about "You will be punished if you don't become an informant": ACLU's Nancy Murray on Tarek Mehanna case
3 September 2011
In spite of US government statements about its displeasure with the expansion of Israeli settlements, US based organizations are abusing the 501(C)3 section of US tax codes to provide billions in subsidies to do exactly that. Read more about How US "charities" break tax laws to fund Israeli settlements