Final preparations are underway for the next big flotilla to Gaza, which is scheduled to occur in late June. The US Boat to Gaza will take part in the largest planned fleet yet, with an estimated 1,000 passengers from an array of countries collaborating to break Israel’s blockade. Read more about US activists prepare to break Israel's blockade on Gaza
The Government of Israel, which has occupied the Syrian Golan Heights since 1967, has stated its intention to complain to the United Nations over the march from Syria on the occupied Golan Heights yesterday. At least twenty persons are reported to have been killed by Israeli fire during a protest marking Naksa Day or the 1967 occupation of Arab lands. Read more about Israeli bullets killed protesters, yet Syria is responsible say Israel, US
Monadel Herzallah, Sara Kershnar, Max Ajl and Kristin Szremski23 May 2011
The roster of speakers at AIPAC’s annual policy conference — from Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to Christian Right paragon Ralph Reed, President Barack Obama and several members of Congress — is clear evidence that the relationship between and interests shared by AIPAC, the religious right and the US government continue unabashed and unchallenged. Read more about Challenging AIPAC and confronting "US interests"