How Israel pressures BBC into changing headlines
19 November 2015
BBC rewrote headline on Israeli raid on Palestinian hospital to obscure extrajudicial execution. Read more about How Israel pressures BBC into changing headlines
19 November 2015
BBC rewrote headline on Israeli raid on Palestinian hospital to obscure extrajudicial execution. Read more about How Israel pressures BBC into changing headlines
20 October 2015
On the Today program, “around 50 dead” implied to be Israeli when vast majority are Palestinian. Read more about BBC implies Palestinian dead are Israeli
9 April 2015
A recent BBC Radio 4 interview with Moshe Yaalon marks a new low in the public broadcaster’s already-terrible coverage of Palestine. Read more about BBC hands airwaves over to Israel's minister for war
7 August 2014
The BBC seems to think it needs permission from Israel to broadcast a simple charity appeal for Gaza. Read more about BBC agrees to air Gaza charity appeal after getting Israel's permission
17 July 2014
Thousands of protesters blocked BBC’s London headquarters, demanding that BBC report the reality in Gaza. Read more about Protesters force BBC to confront its pro-Israel bias
6 August 2013
Senior BBC editors and presenters make some startling admissions when questioned on why they pander to Israel. Read more about Why does the BBC plead ignorance on Palestine?