
Suheir Hammad's new poem and short film: "Into Egypt"

Whether it’s poems that resist the drumbeats of war or hold a mirror up to the sorrows of New Orleans, Hammad’s work continues to articulate the redemption that she reminds us is always there. In her new poem, Into Egypt, Hammad dives into the energy of the current uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, holding the narrative of Egypt’s revolt in a personal, deeply moving light. 

The poetics of Palestinian resistance

In many ways, Mahmoud Darwish’s life summarizes the Palestinian journey of suffering. He was born in Palestine (in what is today “Israel”), and was forced out of his home by Israeli occupation troops. When he returned (or when he snuck back in as the Israeli occupiers killed thousands of other Palestinians who attempted to return), his village was among the hundreds razed to the ground and erased from the map by Israel — or so thought the Zionists. As’ad AbuKhalil comments.