Global war on terror comes home
9 September 2021
Thousands have been killed in US airstrikes since the forever war began after 9/11. Read more about Global war on terror comes home
9 September 2021
Thousands have been killed in US airstrikes since the forever war began after 9/11. Read more about Global war on terror comes home
7 February 2015
Persecuted academic reveals his role in Bush’s 2000 election victory. Read more about Deported by US to Turkey, Palestinian activist Dr. Sami Al-Arian speaks out
1 October 2014
The case of Sami Al-Arian is emblematic of the altered state of the US justice system after 11 September 2001. Read more about How the US falsely accused a Palestinian teacher of aiding terror
29 October 2012
The US Supreme Court announced Monday that it had decided not to hear the appeal of the Holy Land Five; EI interviews Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights. Read more about "Justice has fled the country": US Supreme Court won't hear Holy Land Five case
New York City 24 October 2012
Noor Elashi anticipates this week’s decision by the US Supreme Court whether or not to hear the Holy Land Foundation case, in which her father is a defendant. Read more about "Let us not be brought down": Last legal recourse for Holy Land Five
8 December 2011
After oral arguments for an appeal began several months ago, the Fifth Circuit Court decides to uphold the convictions of Muslim charity workers under the auspices of the draconian Patriot Act and invoking its “material support” clause to criminalize humanitarian aid to Palestinians under Israeli occupation. Read more about Appeal denied in Holy Land Five case
1 September 2011
The Fifth Circuit Court will hear the oral arguments for an appeal in the case of the Holy Land Five, the founders of the largest Muslim charity in the US who have been imprisoned under Patriot Act laws. Read more about Oral arguments begin in Holy Land Five's case for appeal