On this week’s podcast, Alaa Tartir of al-Shabaka discusses the role of international donors in the de-development of the Palestinian economy, and what is needed to build Palestinian economic self-sustainability. Read more about Podcast: Alaa Tartir on building a sustainable Palestinian "resistance economy"
As part of the wider pattern of of “price tag” violence and arson, Israeli settlers have been attacking Palestinian churches and monasteries. Read more about Israeli settlers increase their attacks on Palestinian Christian sites
The United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA) will soon vote on major divestment initiatives. Palestinians are signing an open letter to voting delegates, asking them to support divestment from Caterpillar, Motorola and HP. Read more about Urgent appeals to support upcoming US church divestment initiatives
Despite common media depictions of Gaza as being under harsh, Islamist rule, Gaza-based Palestinian Christians emphasize the close ties between families regardless of religion. Read more about Gaza's Christians like "birds who will always return to their nest"
Christian theologians, academics and church leaders recently converged in Bethlehem to meet with the local Palestinian church and challenge the Christian Zionist influence within the evangelical movement. Read more about Palestinian Christians attacked for challenging Christian Zionism