Democratic leadership stands with Israel
16 May 2021
QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene attacks “JihadSquad.” Read more about Democratic leadership stands with Israel
16 May 2021
QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene attacks “JihadSquad.” Read more about Democratic leadership stands with Israel
21 February 2012
Yesterday, I published a piece in Al-Akhbar English about the twitter campaign to get more people to learn about and support khader Adnan’s hunger strike. Last night, hashtag #HungerStrikingfor65days was the strongest hashtag yet, thousands tweeted using that hashtag and it remained #1 globally trending topic for over an hour. Twitter has got millions of people to pay attention to Khader Adnan’s case online. Read my piece below for more on this virtual protest. Read more about Khader Adnan, a Globally Trending Topic on Twitter
19 February 2012
Violence has always been a useful term for governments and their allied establishment figures in media and punditry. Key to that utility is a very specialized use of the term as a descriptor for actions that don’t originate with the establishment or authorities. Police, armies, presidents and city administrators do not engage in violence. They use strategies, protocols, plans of action, deployments, operations and strikes. The people that are injured and die in those acts are not actively killed by violence. Rather, they suffer only in the passive voice. Read more about Two Kinds of Non-Violence
19 February 2012
Bilin is being used to test new Israeli weapons but the villagers keep protesting. Read more about Memo to New York Times: the spirit of Gandhi is alive in Palestine