The Israeli government and its supporters now feel justified in exploiting the Syrian people’s suffering and resistance in order to further their own political agenda, depicting Israel as a “vibrant democracy” in comparison to Syria. Read more about Pointing to Syria to divert attention from Israel's crimes
Yesterday, Aljazeera Stream’s episode was titled ‘Blackwashing’ and the Israel lobby, it hosted Journalist Max Blumenthal and editor Ben Shapiro. You can watch the whole episode on The Stream and see Shapiro trying to evade the topic at hand and purposelessly attacking Blumenthal, the episode was very interesting, it is embedded here: Read more about Black people against Zionism, Black people against Apartheid
Attorneys for the Irvine 11 attempt to bring evidence of an Israeli official’s plans to attend an LA Lakers game into the courtroom — blowing a hole in the prosecution’s claims that he had to cut short his speech due to protests — but the judge has refused to let the jury see the photograph. Read more about Irvine 11 update: Attorneys use key evidence, as reported by EI, in courtroom
The British prime minister has stepped down from his position as honorary patron of the Jewish National Fund (JNF). The move comes as pressure on the JNF steps up in Britain, and is being hailed by activists as a big victory in the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign. Read more about British prime minister steps down as JNF patron