Palestine campaigners removed from "terror" database
11 July 2017
World-Check admits PSC should never have been listed. Read more about Palestine campaigners removed from "terror" database
11 July 2017
World-Check admits PSC should never have been listed. Read more about Palestine campaigners removed from "terror" database
3 February 2015
The civil suit against the Palestinian Authority that began this month demonstrates the stark prejudices that inform the prosecution of “terrorism” in US courts. Read more about Why the PA can be sued in the US for “terrorism” but Israel can't
4 January 2015
The Shalom Hartman Institute uses interfaith program as part of effort to turn prominent and emerging US Muslim leaders into apologists for Zionism. Read more about Islamophobia bankroller behind organizer of Israel junket for US “Muslim leaders”
1 October 2014
The case of Sami Al-Arian is emblematic of the altered state of the US justice system after 11 September 2001. Read more about How the US falsely accused a Palestinian teacher of aiding terror
20 September 2013
Thirty-seven laws hostile to Islam have been introduced across the US so far this year. Read more about Top players in Islamophobia industry paid over $150,000 per year
5 January 2012
A “terror expert” in the US is trying to entangle an American non-profit organization in a shroud of secretive conspiracy theories intent on branding it a “supporter of terrorism.” Read more about Why is "terror expert" attacking US solidarity groups?