Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must not cower before Israel lobby
18 July 2018
Grassroots work has made it possible to support Palestinian rights and win. Read more about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must not cower before Israel lobby
18 July 2018
Grassroots work has made it possible to support Palestinian rights and win. Read more about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must not cower before Israel lobby
Chicago 12 November 2013
Rasmea Yousef Odeh has been targeted because she is an effective Arab community leader in Chicago. Read more about Why does US treat ex-prisoners from Ireland and Palestine differently?
5 November 2013
Why is former US peace envoy George Mitchell promoting SodaStream which is based in an illegal Israeli settlement and abuses Palestinian rights? Read more about Former envoy George Mitchell shills for Israeli occupation profiteer SodaStream
26 October 2011
While he held the job of President Barack Obama’s peace process envoy, former US Senator George Mitchell generally maintained a good reputation. He came into the job with high regard because of his role in Northern Ireland. During his Middle East tenure, Mitchell was notoriously tight-lipped, allowing people to believe that behind the stony face was a tough and fair “honest broker” who would privately take Israel to task in ways that the US could not do publicly. Read more about Former Obama envoy George Mitchell comes out as 'Israel's lawyer'