US media reverse Ahed Tamimi's reality
15 January 2018
New York Times and Newsweek conduct propaganda against Palestinians. Read more about US media reverse Ahed Tamimi's reality
15 January 2018
New York Times and Newsweek conduct propaganda against Palestinians. Read more about US media reverse Ahed Tamimi's reality
2 December 2015
Outgoing New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief intoxicated by Zionism from the very start of her term. Read more about Jodi Rudoren's parting gift to Israel
6 June 2014
Is the “journal of record” supporting Israeli strategy to strip Palestinian Christians of their identity? Read more about Why did The New York Times ignore Palestine's Christians during Pope's visit?
26 August 2013
Dozens of young journalists, including at least one working for the BBC, are traveling to Israel this week for a government-backed junket designed to give them “a more positive attitude” toward Israel’s policies. Read more about Why is a BBC journalist on an expenses-paid propaganda junket to Israel?
12 June 2012
It has been two months since the latest serious allegations of a conflict of interest at The New York Times Jerusalem Bureau, but no one at the newspaper has yet addressed them. Read more about When will The New York Times address the ongoing ethical problem at its Jerusalem bureau?
5 January 2012
A “terror expert” in the US is trying to entangle an American non-profit organization in a shroud of secretive conspiracy theories intent on branding it a “supporter of terrorism.” Read more about Why is "terror expert" attacking US solidarity groups?
19 December 2011
While ‘fact checking’ Ethan Bronner, CAMERA mislead on Palestinian child prisoners - and miss a glaring error. Read more about CAMERA's 'fact checking' misses out some facts
12 October 2011
In an article today on the Israel-Hamas prisoner exchange deal, The New York Times’ scandal-plagued Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner falsely blames an August attack from Egypt into Israeli-controlled territory near the Red Sea port of Eilat on Palestinians. Bronner writes: Read more about New York Times' Ethan Bronner still falsely blaming August Eilat attack on Palestinians
15 September 2011
A revealing comment lays bare the casual racism of Charley Levine, the business partner of New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner. Read more about "Hire an Arab": The casual racism of Ethan Bronner's business partner
18 July 2011
Controversial New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner has spoken out at last on a topic he is expert in – advocacy journalism. In response to an email from a Facebook user called Scott Mohn complaining that The New York Times had not covered the 15 July march in Jerusalem held by thousands of Israeli left-wing Zionists and a number of Palestinians from eastern occupied Jerusalem, Bronner wrote: Read more about New York Times' Ethan Bronner speaks out about "advocacy journalism"