Israel intercepts Women's Boat to Gaza
5 October 2016
Nobel Peace Prize winner among those arrested while attempting to break the blockade. Read more about Israel intercepts Women's Boat to Gaza
5 October 2016
Nobel Peace Prize winner among those arrested while attempting to break the blockade. Read more about Israel intercepts Women's Boat to Gaza
27 September 2016
Sabotage, hijack and attack: women on board face up to risks ahead. Read more about Women's Boat to Gaza ready to break blockade
10 June 2011
Final preparations are underway for the next big flotilla to Gaza, which is scheduled to occur in late June. The US Boat to Gaza will take part in the largest planned fleet yet, with an estimated 1,000 passengers from an array of countries collaborating to break Israel’s blockade. Read more about US activists prepare to break Israel's blockade on Gaza