Israel continues to exaggerate and exploit anti-Semitism in its effort to bring in Jews and defeat the Palestinian “demographic threat.” Read more about As threats to Jews said to mount in Europe, Israeli minister gets “excited”
Confrontation followed efforts to ban German parliament talk by journalists Max Blumenthal and David Sheen. Read more about Video: German politician hides in toilet from truth about Israel
Calls from the EU for Israel to behave in a “proportionate manner” reek of cowardice and dishonesty. Read more about Merkel stands by Israel even when it kills Germans
Luxembourg fund’s announcement came as German chancellor Angela Merkel pledged to oppose “boycotts” targeting Israeli settlements. Read more about Luxembourg pension fund dumps 9 Israeli firms over settlements
Leading campaigner against discrimination with Human Rights First refuses to acknowledge that Israel is an apartheid state. Read more about Apologist for apartheid masquerades as human rights activist
Human rights are supposed to be at the core of all the EU’s activities. Why, then, is it boosting economic cooperation with Israel? Read more about European Parliament must reject new trade deal with Israel
The EU has been eager to nurture both its relationship with Israel and the international market in “security goods.” Read more about German aid to Israel's war machine is an invitation to abuse human rights
Whatever the literary qualities of Günter Grass’s poem, it testifies to his lingering literary eminence that it has engendered such a colossal backlash, to the point that he has now been banned from Israel. Read more about Poem sparks debate about whether Germany should absolve Israel's crimes