Are Israel and Hamas really talking about ending Gaza siege?
18 August 2015
Israel has denied contacts with Hamas, but several initiatives seem to be underway. Read more about Are Israel and Hamas really talking about ending Gaza siege?
18 August 2015
Israel has denied contacts with Hamas, but several initiatives seem to be underway. Read more about Are Israel and Hamas really talking about ending Gaza siege?
7 September 2011
Palestinian civil society welcomes Turkey’s military and diplomatic sanctions on Israel, which come two months after Palestinians called for a comprehensive military embargo on Israel. Read more about Palestinian civil society welcomes Turkey's decision to suspend military ties with Israel
3 September 2011
Last June, as the Gaza Freedom Flotilla 2 was preparing its attempt to break the illegal Israeli siege of Gaza, many were dismayed when the Mavi Marmara was withdrawn from the flotilla. Why did Turkey do this? Read more about The real reasons Turkey stopped the Mavi Marmara sailing to Gaza last June
17 June 2011
The Mavi Marmara will not be going back to Gaza, the Turkish group sponsoring it, IHH said today. But the Gaza Freedom Flotilla 2 will sail and IHH will remain part of the international coalition to break the siege of Gaza. Read more about Gaza Freedom Flotilla 2 to sail with Turkish group's support, but without Mavi Marmara
Gaza City 1 June 2011
A gleaming new memorial towers over the center of Gaza City’s battered port, bearing the names of the Turkish solidarity activists who died one year ago when Israeli commandos firing machine guns air-dropped onto the Freedom Flotilla. Read more about Second flotilla set to sail one year after massacre