"He risked all for others": Tom Hurndall's mother remembers her son
21 July 2003
“On Friday 11 April, my eldest son, a photojournalist, was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier. He was trying to protect two young girls in the Israelis’ line of fire in Gaza. He is 21 and now lies in a coma, with severe brain damage. We know he is not expected to recover and our family are endeavouring to come to terms with this. Recently, we were able to fly him home from Israel and he is now in The Royal Free in Hampstead, in a room overlooking London, filled with photographs of his life. Two large sheets covered in wonderful written messages from friends hang on the walls.” Tom Hurndall’s mother Emily remembers her son. Read more about "He risked all for others": Tom Hurndall's mother remembers her son