SBS Radio

EI's Ali Abunimah speaks about media coverage of Gaza conflict

As the war in Gaza continues, accurate reporting has been complicated by the closure of borders, unreliable telecommunications, and the highly political nature of the conflict. Ali Abunimah co-founded The Electronic Intifada in 2001, hoping to provide independent and fearless coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He spoke with Rebecca Lewis of Australia’s SBS Radio about his assessment of the media’s coverage of this complex, decades-old conflict. 

Mock PLO elections in Europe

Symbolic elections have been held in Europe which coincide with Palestine’s first parliamentary elections in a decade. Exiled Palestinian communities living in Paris and Brussels, organised mock elections to highlight the fact that a majority of Palestinians are denied the chance to elect national leaders. Ali Abunimah is co-founder of Electronic Intifada - an independent website which addresses the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. He’s speaking with SBS radio’s Natasha Cuculovski.