Bedouins of the Negev: Israeli ctizens or punishable trespassers?
18 February 2003
Bedouins are famous for their generosity. It is well known that Bedouins will graciously host strangers for days without asking their name, the reason for their visit, or the length of their stay. Today, Bedouins of the Negev, who have experienced 50 years of systematic human rights abuses, threats of transfer, land confiscations, and house demolitions, are facing renewed pressures from discriminatory planning maps and Israel’s Green Patrol — which Bedouins call the “Black Patrol.” A community many had forgotten is growing angrier and more vocal. Maha Qupty reports on the challenges confronting Bedouin Palestinian citizens of Israel. Read more about Bedouins of the Negev: Israeli ctizens or punishable trespassers?