Crossing the Line

Crossing the Line interviews Diana Buttu about Israeli bill to delist Arabic

This week on Crossing The Line: Israeli MP Limor Livnat recently introduced a draft bill to delist Arabic as an official language of the Jewish state. Former Palestine Liberation Organization spokesperson Diana Buttu joins host Naji Ali to discuss this latest attempt to strip Palestinians of their cultural and national identity. 

Crossing the Line interviews professor Joel Beinin

This week on Crossing The Line: US President George W. Bush recently wrapped up a five-day visit to the Middle East meeting with Arab leaders at the World Economic Forum, pledging a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, given Bush’s dismal approval rating, what are the odds that Bush will have any real effect on the situation? Joel Beinin, Director of Middle East Studies at American University of Cairo joins host Naji Ali to talk more on the subject. 

Crossing the Line interviews Nadia Hijab about J Street

This week on Crossing The Line: They claim to be the political arm of the pro-Israeli peace movement in the US by seeking a more just and equitable situation for both Israelis and Palestinians. But is the new Israeli lobby group, J Street, any different from AIPAC? Host Naji Ali speaks with Nadia Hijab about this new face on Capital Hill and the effect they are having on US policy towards the Middle East. 

Audio: Crossing the Line focuses on Annapolis

This week on Crossing The Line: The cameras are gone and the dignitaries have gone back home, but what if anything did Annapolis really accomplish for either Palestinians or Israelis? Host Christopher Brown speaks with Bill and Kathleen Christison, both formerly of the CIA. Bill was a senior official of the CIA and served as a National Intelligence Officer and as Director of the CIA’s Office of Regional and Political Analysis. Kathleen is a former CIA political analyst and has worked on Middle East issues for thirty years. The couple joins Brown to sort out the summit and its chances — if any — of advancing a peaceful solution to the conflict. 

Audio: Crossing the Line interviews Norman Finkelstein

This week on Crossing The Line: The international conference in Annapolis, Maryland recently came to an end. During the talks US President George W. Bush stated that the time is right for peace in the Middle East, but what does that mean in terms of a solution to the decades-long conflict? Host Christopher Brown speaks with Dr. Norman G. Finkelstein, a noted scholar on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the author of several books including his latest, Beyond Chutzpah: On The Misuse of Anti-Semitism and The Abuse of History, about Annapolis’ chances for success. 

Audio: Crossing the Line interviews Ramallah activist Sam Bahour

This week on Crossing The Line: Over recent years it has been increasingly difficult for foreign passport-holding Palestinians and internationals visiting Palestine to obtain visas and renew them from the governing Israeli occupation. Palestinian-American activist Sam Bahour joins us from Ramallah to discuss Israel’s control of people who wish to visit Palestine. 

Audio: Crossing the Line speaks with Jewish activst Rita Corriel

This week on Crossing The Line: Shiva is the traditional seven-day period of mourning which follows a Jewish funeral. In an article recently published on EI, peace activist and psychotherapist Rita Corriel recently asked the question, “When do we stop sitting shiva for the Holocaust?” Host Christopher Brown speaks with Corriel about the idea of Israel as the “shiva house” which many use to justify the injustice done to Palestinians.