
Egypt's revolution inspires Gaza's youth

The revolution underway in Egypt is being closely watched by Gaza’s youth who see it as a source of empowerment and inspiration. It has stirred our sentiments and has moved us to take to the streets to show our solidarity with our neighbors in Egypt. We attempt to absorb every minute event so as to carry it through the years when we will be able to tell our children how proud we were to have lived through one of the greatest and most inspirational events in the history of the Arab world. 

Visit Palestine

An advertisement from the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism which ran in National Geographic’s Traveller magazine has resulted in more than sixty complaints being lodged with the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and is now under investigation. 

Palestine Papers confirm Israeli rejectionism

For more than a decade, since the collapse of the Camp David talks in 2000, the mantra of Israeli politics has been the same: “There is no Palestinian partner for peace.” This week, the first of hundreds of leaked confidential Palestinian documents confirmed the suspicions of a growing number of observers that the rejectionists in the peace process are to be found on the Israeli, not Palestinian, side. 

Israel's Labor party not to be mourned

Ehud Barak, Israel’s defense minister, appears to have driven the final nail in the coffin of the Zionist left with his decision to split from the Labor party and create a new “centrist, Zionist” faction in the Israeli parliament. So far four Members of Parliament, out of a total of 12, have announced they are following him. Jonathan Cook analyzes. 
