Despite the many pressing and unrelenting national challenges facing the United States, a record 81 House members, about a fifth of the chamber, spent a week in Israel last month, courtesy of a foundation set up by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the largest pro-Israel lobby group in the US. Read more about Can US Congress see beyond the orchestration and opulence in Tel Aviv?
An average Palestinian might in fact be the least interested in whether a Palestinian state would be declared in September. Yet he or she will be the one will be the one whose life will be most profoundly impacted by any hasty act of folly by the Palestinian Authority. Read more about The PA doesn't represent me; why should I trust its statehood bid?
The Palestinian Authority cooperated with Israeli forces to host a fabricated “Peace and Freedom Day” rally in Nablus, while prohibiting local Palestinian tour guides from discussing politics with Kabbalist tourists from the US. Read more about Why was the PA hosting American Kabbalah tourists in Nablus?