Palestine Children's Welfare Fund 6 November 2006
Palestinian children at PCWF’s children’s party in Jayyous. (PCWF)
The Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund is pleased to announce that it was able to sponsor a party for the children of Jayyous to celebrate the Eid during the month of October 2006. The party was held in the center of the Jayyous Charitable Society where more than 100 children received bags that contained toys, crayons, children’s books and candy. Most of the children belonged to the English program that PCWF sponsors in Jayyous and funds the salaries of the teachers, books and computer equipment for the last three years. Funding of the program comes from generous sponsors such as Antar and Abla from Palestine and Lebanon and Dubai Women’s College and private donors who want to see an end for the suffering of the children in Palestine. PCWF, through its volunteer Ms. Irene, spent days and weeks planning this event and all the toys and gifts were purchased from the local market. The objective is to support the economy of the Palestinian community and to show support and solidarity for the innocent civilians in the face of the ugliest war crimes committed against civilians since World War II.
Water wells being constructed in the town of Jayyous. (PCWF)
In addition, Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund is also sponsoring the constructions of several water wells that will support the water needs of more than 10 families. Additionally, more than 50 families will receive more than 1000 olive trees or at least 12 olive trees per family to support the town of Jayyous and to help replace the thousands of trees uprooted by the illegal and immoral occupation Israeli army. The town of Jayyous lost thousands of trees to the apartheid wall and most of its water wells and PCWF is working closely with the community to ensure that the water needs and the trees are replenished as soon as possible to sustain the basic needs of the wonderful people of Jayyous. The water wells will be dedicated to the generous donors Antar and Abla from Palestine and Lebanon, Serban Radulescu, may God rest his soul in peace, and through the generosity of his daughter Gabriela, The Center for Theology and Social Analysis in St. Louis Missouri and Progressive Press and through it, Managing Director and owner John Leonard. We could not have done this without the generosity and the support of our generous friends and the support of the generous people who visited our website and bought hundreds of Palestinian made arts and crafts.
We can do something. We can do a lot of things. We can do what cannot be done. If you want to work.
Please join me in thanking the generous donors for their contribution and we assure you that we will continue our work for the children in Jayyous and other Palestinian cities regardless of the obstacles that the occupation army puts ahead of us. We will continue to work regardless of the slanderous and libelous accusations against us and will continue to work for justice in Palestine till Palestinians can go back to their homes and land in Palestine and live in peace without the fear of violence and oppression.
The Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund is an enterprise that was established by a group of individuals whose goals are to improve the living standards of the children of Palestine in the refugee camps inside Palestine. The group aims to provide the children of the refugee camps with better educational opportunities, health facilities and a bright future without violence, hatred and discrimination. The organization has branches and volunteers in more than ten countries and is not connected with any militant or political association of any kind. PCWF works throughout Europe, Canada and the United States and operates its financial and social work from Palestine to ensure that our work is based in the place where it is needed the most to reach the children of Palestine.
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