Jerusalem 5 August 2006
On Monday, July 31st, Palestinians in Jerusalem implemented a general strike in solidarity with the people of Lebanon. The city was closed down.
On Tuesday, August 1st, Palestinians and some Americans held a protest outside of the American consulate in East Jerusalem, protesting America’s massive political and financial roie in the assault on Lebanon. A small group of about 40 protestors gathered on the opposite side of the street. They were quiet for some time, then chanted for awhile, then sang. Israeli border police and Israeli regular police lounged against the consulate on the other side of the road. There were no physical or verbal exchanges between protestors or police. A police jeep arrived with back up.
Suddenly, about 15 police crossed the street to the protestors quickly in a column and began shoving everyone down the hill. They immediately became violent with the protestors, shoving them, aggressively using batons and horses. I really thought their intention was to kill one of the men they attacked. They directed all of their force at his head and neck — four or five officers strangling him, beating his head and twisting it at the same time.
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