The Electronic Intifada 28 July 2006

Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office in San Francisco on Thursday, July 27. Likely few if any of the protesters expect Dianne Feinstein do anything productive even as news of more and more atrocities committed by Israel in Lebanon come to light. Last Sunday, she organized a rally in San Francisco to support Israel’s actions against the Lebanese people. On July 20, Feinstein supported a resolution in support of Israel in the House of Representatives.

The rally turned into a march through downtown San Francisco to the offices of the San Francisco Chronicle to protest the newspaper’s lopsided pro-Israel coverage of the expanding war on Lebanon and Palestine. Several people were arrested for blocking traffic at 5th and Mission. In full view of downtown afternoon rush hour commuters and between financial district high rise offices, hundreds of protesters demanded an end to Israel’s war on Lebanon and Palestine.

All images: Bill Hackwell
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