Coalition for Jerusalem 8 January 2006

A women walk past pre-election posters for the upcoming Palestinian parliamentary elections in East Jerusalem January 15, 2006. (MAANnews/Inbal Rose)
This is the first communique from the Coalition for Jerusalem stating the position of the Coalition regarding the Right of the Palestinians of Occupied East Jerusalem (OEJ) to participate in the upcoming Palestinian Legislative Council elections, due on January 25, 2006, on an equal footing with any other Palestinian living in the territories which were occupied during the 1967 War.
The Palestinian-Israeli negotiations and agreements since 1993 postponed dealing with the post 1967 status of East Jerusalem, on conditions that the Status quo in Jerusalem be respected. The Oslo Interim Agreements surpassed their timetable. The arrangements for elections in OEJ need to be reviewed in order to allow for free, fair and transparent elections, since:
Coalition Statement
We insist that the Legislative Council elections should be held as scheduled, and should not be postponed for any reason or disruption other than the Israeli obstructions to elections in OEJ. We commend the favourable position and statements of the International Community and Agencies in support of fair, free and transparent elections in OEJ. We appreciate the support of the American and the European Union initiatives that proposes additional polling stations to allow for fair elections.
We propose that our offices in the city are placed at the disposal of the Central Elections Commission and used as polling stations. These include private schools, Churches, Mosques, and hospitals. We expect that all Palestinians in Occupied East Jerusalem are able to reach the polling stations without Israeli intimidations and exercise their election rights by presenting their identity cards. We shall be pursuing other initiatives and steps to secure our rights to vote in our own city. We seek the active support of the international community and all those who believe in people’s rights for freedom and democracy to our endeavours.
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